
Your experiences after childbirth and labor?

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How did you feel after you gave birth (physically and mentally) Did you have a c-section or vaginal? Natural or epidural? I am 29 weeks 5days and trying my best to mentally prepare myself for the child birthing process...I know you can never REALLY be prepared as there is no such thing as a story book pregnancy and birth but I guess it makes me feel better due to fear of the unknown! Thanks in advance




  1. My son was born at 35 weeks. My water broke at 9am and he was born vaginally @ 2:56pm. I didn't have an epidural but I did receive Stadol. Made me so loopy that I really didn't care about anything. I was really quite lucky. I slept the last two hours of my labor. I only pushed for about an hour, and I did have an episiotomy. I had some excessive bleeding after wards. The doctor trying to "massage" (and I use that term likely) my uterus and make the bleeding stop was awful. But after he finally finished everything was fine. I was sore and weak from blood loss for a few days, but I got over that pretty quick. Congratulations, and I hope everything goes well for you!

  2. I have 5 kids, 4 pregnancies. All different. I had no pain meds with any of them and had all of them vaginally. Physically I was tired and drained but all of that disappears when you look in to your babies eyes. You even forget how bad it hurt. Mentally happy, excited, and any other good feeling, but oh soo tired. Your body will take care of you.  

  3. I have three children all were vaginal births and all were epidural. It was great didn't feel a thing except for the contractions before you get your epidural. That sucks but just have something to hold on to while its going on. After the epidural it is wonderful no pain what so ever. Me personally after birth the epidural made me so sleepy so you might sleep a while. After that you are a little tinder in or vaginal area until you heal completely. Ex specially if you have to get a stitch or two down there from tearing which is normal by the way i tore with all of mine. Emotionally was very happy. With one of my kids i did end up with post pardum depression which is normal as well. Don't worry about it you will do wonderful its a great experience.  

  4. my wife had a emergency c-section and epidural  4wk ago she has alot of back pain and stays tired the last month of she was very uncomfortable and unable to the baby keeps her of luck

  5. 41 weeks pregnant, was prepared to be induced.  Went into labor the day I was scheduled for the induction.  I ended up w/ a c-section and my baby did not want to come out or drop down into the birth canal.  I also opted for the epidural.  What I learned from this is put off the epidural as long as you can.  The epidural can stop your labor (happened to me).

    Best of luck and congrats!  I watched a baby story on TLC every day I was home on maternity leave until my daughter was born; it helped me out a lot and I learned so much!

  6. My birth experience was FANTASTIC!!  

    I was completely horribly scared of having a vaginal birth (I seriously had horrible nightmares about it my entire pregnancy), and really wanted a c-section, but knew there had to be a medical necessity for it.  Thankfully I did end up needing a c-section as my son never dropped into the correct position.  I had no labor at all.  The surgery went perfectly, and other than some expected discomfort, there was nothing I would have had differently.  The surgery was a breeze.... I was up and around the following morning and had no complications at all.....the worst part of the entire thing was getting the epidural (because the resident doing it tried 2 times unsuccessfully so the attending physician finally had to do it a 3rd time for it to work).  But even that part wasn't that bad...... it hurt because the position I had to sit in, not the needle in my back.

    If you do need a c-section, definitely don't be afraid of it..... however, don't be like me and be afraid of vaginal birth either.... I've had plenty of friends who pushed 3 times, had a baby, had no stitches and were almost feeling 100% normal within a few days.

    As for're going to be sore either way it happens, and TIRED.... because it takes a lot out of you.  Mentally, I was elated....but still cried all the time about the littlest thing.  The adrenaline that you have that first couple weeks is amazing...... I eventually crapped out and was exhausted, but I tell you what..... I never knew I'd be up for loads of laundry and cleaning the house top to bottom a few days after having major surgery and with the lack of sleep from having  a newborn.  (keep in mind, if you have a c-section you are NOT to lift anything heavier than your child in their carseat.... so no over-doing it on cleaning etc.)

    Hope that helps, congrats on the pregnancy, and blessings on a perfect delivery!!

  7. I was EXHAUSTED, but I had also been up for almost 2 days straight. One night I was having contractions, and we went to the hospital but were sent home until they became more regular..then I couldn't sleep well. The next day they were really strong so I couldn't sleep then either. I went in that night and did not deliver until the next morning. I delivered at 39 weeks 5 days.

    I delivered vaginally with an epidural and aside from being tired I felt pretty good. I did have a REALLY difficult time peeing though and had to be catheterized both nights I stayed at the hospital and then the day I had to leave I had to try and pass urine on my own or they wouldn't let me leave. It was just hard...the urge was there I just couldn't get it to move..maybe from the epidural? I don't know.

    But yeah, I felt tired, happy, and a little fear in being sent home with such a little bundle, but it worked out fine. He's 12 weeks tomorrow.

    Don't worry it'll all work out just fine.

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