
Your experiences with lunch ladies?

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Hi, im an australian student and we dont have cafeterias (more like takeaway food at a little shop located in our school) And im wondering about lunch ladies? What is it like in a cafeteria? Hows the food? Are the lunch ladies always like they are portrayed (overweight, ugly, moles, smoking?) Is any of it true? Please tell me as much as you can!




  1. Hate em



    yes ugly no teeth

    all is true

  2. WEll they are not what u think them to be.They have come to enjoy their day out & why not? give them that space as u like to dine & wine once in a while they too want to do just that.

  3. My Mom was a lunch lady.Cute little 45 year old lady with 7 kids.No smoking.A sweetheart.

  4. The Lunch ladies I've always have had are mean and impatient, and not really sleek looking haha.

    But I always tend to make friends with them :D

  5. One thing-YOU ARE SO LUCKY!

    The lunch ladies I have think they are better then everybody else and there really quiet on purpose so that you have to keep asking "what did u just say?" They like to see us miserable and their food isn't too good either. Some are fat and some are skinny. They are pretty ugly if u ask me and I think most of them smoke. (In my skool anyway, might be different 4 others)

  6. I am 41 now, but I remember some of the lunch ladies back in my high school years fondly.  I think many lunch ladies are portrayed, IMO, negatively and unfairly, for three main reasons.  First, their "customers" are at an age when many judge people, especially adults, harshly and mostly based on appearance.  Second, lunch ladies are often middle-aged women who, partly because they have to work with food, don't wear much makeup.  Third, because these are menial jobs and they often deal with customers who are rude to them, the lunch ladies sometimes do have a sour disposition.

    I think, looking back at my experiences with lunch ladies at my school, I had a better-than-average time with them because I was a foreign student, too, and my culture was one that caused me to treat adults with more respect than the lunch ladies were used to.  I treated them with respect, and so they were not unpleasant to me.  Also, because of my upbringing and my own personality, I did not put much stock in how people looked (and still don't).  As far as I was concerned, they did their jobs, served my needs, and did not hurt me in any way, and so there was no reason for me to see them in a negative light.

    The food was OK.  It was reasonably priced and I was not picky.  The choices were limited but there was always something I liked.  I also had the choice of bringing food from home.  As long as I could get something quickly and not be hungry anymore, I was happy.

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