
Your experiences with the Ouija Board?

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I used to not believe they worked at all because I've tried using them countless of times as well as doing seances with my friends and they have never once worked. Though something always seemed to happen to my friends when I was out of the room. Anyways the other day I was having lunch with my mother and her friend from highschool and they were recalling old memories. Well, one of them happened to be that they were playing around with a ouija board and they started messing around with it and I guess a glass that was on the floor started to move back and forth really quickly. I know my mom wouldn't lie about that so I kinda believe it now. Does anyone have any experiences like that? and why do you think it never worked when I do it?




  1. My friend did an Ouija Board. She said she started hearing things and could feel cold breezes. Then she felt things but I don't personally know I was not there.

  2. I have used the Ouija board off and on for 44 years. I got my first one in 1964 when I was only 12 years old. I have one of those glow in the dark ones even now and use it from time to time.

    I have never had any bad experiences or weird things happen. No demons appeared, no books flying through the air the board did not  fly through the air. Nothing at all.

    Personally I do not trust stories of others. I don't think your mother would lie to you, but at the same time she was remembering something that happened when she was a child. this memory may not be correct.

    There is much superstition attached to the Ouija board and many myths and legends. Imaginations can and do run wild during some kids use of the board.


  3. There are as many BS urban legends regarding the Ouija board as the day is long.  We've all heard the story about it flying across the room, moving by itself, opening portals to the "other side" and so on.  The fact is it's just a game that operates via the ideomotor effect.

    It's very easy to test this.  Read this for more:

  4. A long time ago some friends brought a Ouija Board over and we used it that evening.  I got really spooked by it all.

    We were all supposed to concentrate on the same question as we gently placed our fingertips on the sliding piece.  It moved, as if of it's own volition, to point to different letters on the board that spelled out the answer.

    I had bad luck afterwards and often wondered if it was the Ouiji board that brought it on.  But then I decided that was nuts to think so.  However, I never wanted to use one again in the future, and never have.

  5. fake

  6. I think they are a type of window to evil...theyre isnt much good to come out of a ouija board. They are definitely not fake!!!!!! Dont ever expreiment with one though

  7. I dont personally because im too scared!! lol

    But my mum said that she knew some people when she was at school that dont one in an old barn, They died in a tradgic fire in that barn that night... after it was put out the Ouija Board was the only thing not burnt.

  8. I've had plenty of them.I've had more fun with Ouija boards then any other game.I've sent many silly friends and relatives off screaming.With the most obvious faked trickery you can imagine.Even now I have fun reading all the scary stories.The dire warnings are especially hilarious.That's why I never get tired of this question.Even after 3,659 times.Go out and get one,they are harmless and lots of fun.ToysRUs has some that light up.For extra spooky fun.

  9. I wouldn't lower myself. If a spirit wants to get ahold of you, it doesn't need a gimmicky toy.

  10. Notice how so many of these stories are secondhand accounts by people without personal experience?  Doesn't that seem odd to anyone but me?  Just because your mom wouldn't lie about it doesn't mean she wasn't mistaken or confused, or humoring her friend.

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