
Your faaaaveee quote?

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sooo as u all know...schools coming up and i wanted to hang some quotes up in my locker. some funny, about love, or a quote that u live by prefferably. but if u have a good one, you can still share it.

thanxx :]




  1. I love this quote. Gets me through everything.

    Don't worry if people are talking about you or not, you affected their lives, they shouldn't affect yours.


  2. Dream like you'll live forever. Live like you'll die today.--- James Dean.

  3. be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to wrath

  4. I remember a line from movie Zorro,

    'The only sin is to deny what your heart truly wants'

  5. "Give a man a fish, and he will eat for the day. Teach a man to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime."

    "Life is like your last roll of toilet paper; use it wisely."

    "Everything will be okay in the end. If its not okay now, its not the end."

  6. "You can't cheat an honest man."

    What it means is, confidence scams depend on the victim doing something they consider dishonest to work.  You can't cheat someone that isn't looking to get something for nothing.  The victims of scams all think they are the one that is doing the scamming.  

  7. I was once having some trouble and a good friend of mine said to me ' everything will be alright in the end. If its not alright then its not the end' I thought that was such a nice to thing to say and it really helped me to continue so if you ever have trouble in school hopefully not lol but i hope it will help :D  

  8. It's not getting what you want, it's wanting what you have.....sheryl crow

  9. "Never interrupt your enemy

    when he is making a mistake."

    Napoleon Bonaparte

  10. Hopee you likee them <33

    Pretending to be someone you're

    not is a waste of the person you are

    Falling for someone the first time is easy...

    it's the second time around,

    after you have fallen and trusted someone

    to catch you and they didn't...

    when it becomes difficult to let yourself fall again.

    Laugh when you can,

    apologize when you should,

    and let go of what you can't change.

    It's really nice when you can just think

    about someone and smile

    The truly painful goodbyes are the ones

    that are never said, never explained

    I hate that time before you go to sleep at night

    because that's when all the thoughts you've been

    trying to avoid start lingering in your mind

    Fate exists,

    but it can only take you so far

    cause once you’re there,

    it’s up to you to make it happen.

    Love doesnt walk away, people do

    No matter what someone tells you

    there is a person out there that is meant

    to wake up next to you every morning

    Too often we don't realize what we have until it's gone

    too often we're too stubborn to say "i'm sorry, i was wrong"

    too often it seems we hurt the ones closets to our hearts

    and we let the most foolish thing tear us apart

    If you're not willing to risk it all

    then you don't want it bad enough.

    Faliure is divided into two classes;

    those who thought and never did,

    and those who did and never thought

    People die everyday

    and we only care

    when we actually knew the person.

    You dont even realize how much someone means to you

    until you are with someone else

    and you realize that its not what you want

    and all you do want is

    the one you don't have anymore

    You know you really love someone

    when you don't hate them for breaking your heart.

    Just because you

    left doesn't mean

    i stopped loveing you.

    Rule Number One of Love:

    You can never be "just friends"

    with the person you`re in love with.

    The biggest mistake you can make

    is to drift apart from someone,

    who you once had the time of your life with.

    The truth of the matter is, if

    you have to stop & ask yourself, "is

    it really worth it?", it probably isn't.

    The weak can never forgive.

    Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

  11. "live you life" -a.e

  12. "The BUCK starts here" !!!!!  

  13. "As long as there's cake, there's hope. And there's always cake." Dean Koontz, "Life Expectancy"

  14. "All we are saying, is give peace a chance." - John Lennon

    Powerful Quote.

  15. "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein  

  16. My Fave Quote is.    "Safe s*x is great s*x, so better wear a latex, cause you dont want that late text, that i think im late text."

  17. palookas! xD

  18. "wimps lift weights, cheerleaders lift people"

    "courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point, which means at the point of highest reality"

    -c.s. lewis.

  19. "Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway." -John Wayne

    "The early bird may get the worm, but it's the second mouse who gets the cheese." -Unknown

    "If you can dream it, you can do it." -Walt Disney

    "Oh good, my dog found the chainsaw." -Lilo

    "Hakunah Matatah." -Timon and Pumba

  20. These are some of my favorite quotes...

    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.   -Winston Churchill

    Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries.    -Corita Kent

    I find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough.    -Emily Dickinson

    It is no use fixing our minds on higher things if we ignore what is going on around us.   -Aesop

    But my all-time favorite is

    "I am challenged to let go of all the voices of doom and damnation that drag me into depression and allow the 'small' joys to reveal the truth about the world I live in."  

    - Henri Nouwen

    That quote I try to live by.

  21. If it's half the fat, you can eat twice as much of it.


  22. "If one day you feel that there's something missing in your life..just feel your heartbeat coz that feeling mine too!"


    There are NO NudistS in COLD PlaceS.


    Dont try to live so wise, dont cry cuz ur so riite, dont lie with the faces of your peers, cuz u will hate yerself in the end.


    giv a little lovin and it all goes back to you( i wish hahah)


    the wise dont plan for the future, but react now.


    tomorrow is not promised so live evry moment


    Dont follow the crowd!  !nstead, follow _her *** _i mean the past ahah


    Death smiles at us all...some just smile back...


    evryone is on the chain of pain, dont be a fraid to break it, u gotta


    when ur mad, usually  just smile. that takes 42 mucsles!!!! it takes only 4 to smack da *****'s head...


    life is measured by the pages in ur life. each memory is a chapter. keep makin more cuz life is short-then, u will have many volumes


    if a picture is worth a thousand words, shes worth a miliion.


    ALL UR MITE! no matter what it is, go full force.


    Live life all out *****! when u look bak, u will regret it if u didnt give it all!


    "Just call me crazy,

    Lovin' you is crazy,

    Crazy is what I'll be"


    "better to die a tiger, than a p***y"


    "if you feel bad, dont cry...just beat da fshit outta the next person who pisses u off."


    "life is a boat. we are on the boat of fate. the waves keep on commin and we cant escape."


    "instead of goin bak to childhood, i will live life well now"


    "do the dew!!!"


    "inspiration is like a little gold fish, u call out, try to grasp it, but all ur left wit is silence"


    "its not wuht is on da outside, buht on da inside...."of ur pants"


    "do sumthin different or better yet, crazy, everyday."

  23. Everything happens for a reason (but that doesn't mean you can't be mad about it)

    Our lives start to end when we become silent about things that matter

    if someone else can do it, I can do it!

    My life is my message

    If you can breathe, you can achieve the impossible

    Don't ever stop loving

  24. "forgive them for they know not what they do" or "your only as happy as you make your mind up to be"

    Edit/ It's a three way tie. "nothing is neither good nor bad but thinking makes it so"

  25. "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

    I live by that quote.

  26. "Let it be" I looove that one!

  27. My favourite is "eat right, exercise, die anyway". Pretty much explains life.

    Or "Going through life with your eyes closed is much easier".

    Hope this helps.

  28. "To love someone. It is not to shut one's eyes to the other, nor to block one's ears to the truth. To love one another. Is to walk through life together. Open your eyes, open your ears. Look at each other. And together seek the best path for the both of you."

    I know its pretty long but I love it.

  29. "Life isn't normal it's paranormal" I made it up myself lol it's cheesey but I like it...

  30. My all time fav quote invented by me: "Whoopie! Yahoo! Whatever!" also "I'm Ready! I'm Ready!" from Spongebob

  31. live and let die
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