
Your fave inspirational/funny quotes?

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i want inspirational quotes with some humor

could be about following your dreams, love, acting goofy, being yourself, musician quotes, or quotes that are retarded yet hilarious







  1. &quot;Never look down on someone unless you are helping them up&quot;

    - Jesse Jackson.

    &quot;Each day is a little life&quot;


  2. No one dies from physical fitness.

    It&#039;s a jungle out there, kiddies.

    You just gotta learn from the wrong things you&#039;ve done.

    Wrinkles only go where the smiles have been.

    h**l, it could be my fault.

    The sound of the weather is God&#039;s own Ragtime band.

    You need a Holiday.

    There&#039;s booze in the blender.

  3. &quot;Don&#039;t worry about people who mind,  because the ones that mind don&#039;t matter and the ones that matter don&#039;t mind.&quot;

  4. &quot;The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight. But they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward through the night.&quot;

  5. &quot;Holy inferiority complex Batman!  How low is my self-esteem that I&#039;m the sidekick in my own fantasy?&quot; - JD from Scrubs

  6. &#039;the only thing that ever sat

    its way to success was a hen.&#039;

                 - sarah brown  

    &#039;the elevator to success is out

    of order. you&#039;ll have to use the

    stairs .. one step at a time.&#039;

                 - joe girard

    &#039;nothing interferes with my

    concentration. you could put

    an orgy in my office and I

    wouldn&#039;t look up. well, maybe


                 - isaac asimov

    those are my 3 favorites :)

    hope this helps! go to this

    website for more :

  7. &quot;And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light that shines on me. Shine on till tomorrow, Let it be.&quot;

    -Let it be, the Beatles

  8. &quot;Of all the people I&#039;ve ever met. . .you&#039;re one of them.&quot;

  9. A word to the wise isn;t necessary, its the stupid ones that need the advice. - Bill Cosby

    If the horse is dead, dismount.  - unknown

  10. &quot;nuke &#039;em til they glow and shoot them in the dark&quot;

    I made that one up

  11. this is my favorite:

    its soooooo freaking great. my brother loves it cause he loves astrophysics especially.

    also, here&#039;s a list of good ones (in poster form):

  12. There&#039;s several quotes on the quotations page at that might help you with that.  It&#039;s a free website by teachers, for teachers.

  13. &quot;if you fall on your face at least your moving in a forward direction!&quot;

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