My son and I are laid up with the flu, so your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to share your favourite stories about your kids with me. I need all the entertainment I can get lol.
My fave with my daughter is.. we had a cream coloured chair that the rule was noone could eat on it. One day her sister is sitting in the chair. Miran climbs up into her sisters lap and starts eating her PIZZA. I reminded her there was no eating when sitting in the chair. She fires back " but I'm not sitting on the chair, I'm sitting on sissy."
There was nothing I could say..
With my son.. he liked to kneel against me when almost asleep. One day he was kneeling against my hip when I was laying down with him. He turned his head, scared himself awake and just fell over sideways, asleep again. I almost smothered myself with the pillow to keep from laughing out loud.