
Your fave stories about your child???

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My son and I are laid up with the flu, so your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to share your favourite stories about your kids with me. I need all the entertainment I can get lol.

My fave with my daughter is.. we had a cream coloured chair that the rule was noone could eat on it. One day her sister is sitting in the chair. Miran climbs up into her sisters lap and starts eating her PIZZA. I reminded her there was no eating when sitting in the chair. She fires back " but I'm not sitting on the chair, I'm sitting on sissy."

There was nothing I could say..

With my son.. he liked to kneel against me when almost asleep. One day he was kneeling against my hip when I was laying down with him. He turned his head, scared himself awake and just fell over sideways, asleep again. I almost smothered myself with the pillow to keep from laughing out loud.




  1. My son is 9 months old. Some of my favorite moments have involved dirty diaper issues. Lol When he was about 6 months old I had just given him a bath. I put him in some footed pjs and set him in his jumperoo. After a few minutes he was ready to get out. When I picked him up I noticed his leg was wet. Of course I realized it was p**p so I rushed to change him. As I was changing him, I noticed it was from the top of his leg to the tip of his toes. He then proceeds to grab his leg and start touching everything within his reach. Lol Not only did it take me forever to get him clean but then I had to clean everything he touched.

    Another great moment was when I bought him a tickle me elmo. My son LOVES Elmo. The show, the toys, pictures of Elmo. So last month I went to Toys R Us to check out their Elmo selection. I know he's much to young for it, but I picked up the TME ( it was on clearence for dirt cheap). Well my bf decided to show him how it worked. Well I didn't know the new TME is different from the original one. This one moves around. Well my bf realized what the toy was doing and still moved it too close to my son. Elmo started laughing, then started to bend over when it smacked my son in the head. Poor baby wasn't hurt but he sure as heck didn't want to look at Elmo anymore. Lol We had to keep the toy in the closet for at least a week. If he saw it, he would scream bloody murder and crawl in the opposite direction.  

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