
Your favorie book from the Twilight series?

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List them from your favorite to least favorite and tell me why please! NO SPOILERS ON ECLIPSE OR BREAKING DAWN PLEASE!!!!




  1. Twilight is my favorite, because I can relate to whats going on more

  2. I can't pick a favorite. I enjoyed them each for different reasons and took different things away from each. To choose a favorite and a least favorite would be almost wrong in a way, since each book had parts I loved and parts I didn't like as much. Over all, it was a great series and I am very glad I was able to be a part of it's rise to fame. (I read Twilight when it was released.)

  3. I am not sure.  But I guess this is the order.

    1.  Twilight and Breaking Dawn are tied.

    I like those ones the best because first of all Twilight was where it all started, and I love reading about first loves, and how they met and stuff.  It is just so cute, and that is when Edward says the cutest quotes.  Breaking Dawn because it was very romantic, and funny.  Also it is the book where Edward finally understands how much Bella loves him.

    2.  Eclipse

    Eclipse is second because there is an awesome fight, and Bella finally agrees to marry Edward.  There was always so much going on.

    3. New Moon

    It is not that New Moon was a bad book, it was great, but I wish there was more Edward. I still love it though.  When Edward tells Bella he lied, and that he never stopped loving her, that was one of the best scenes out of the whole series.  But I just missed Edward too much!

    Just my thoughts :)


  4. Midnight Sun because Edward wants to kill Bella so badly.

  5. I loved them all and to make me pick one would be cruel and unusual punishment.

  6. hmm, lets see_ they are ALL amazing and i love them, but my favorite would be..

    1. Eclipse, and since you haven't read it i won't give it away!

    2. Twilight, it was the start of everything- seeing the beginning of Edward and Bella's relationship.. all those quotes :) and her finding out that he was a vampire made it so great.

    3. Breaking Dawn, it ended the series is a way that i was very happy with.

    4. New Moon, even though it was depressing and ongoing pain.. when Bella and Edward reunite it's perfect. Especially since she thinks he is just a dream the next day, haha so cute!

  7. breaking dawn!

  8. New Moon-- Because I'm a Jacob fanatic and avid anti-Edwarder, and New Moon is almost completely Jacob with minimum Edward. Hoorah!

    Eclipse-- Because it's the only one with a semblance of a plot (even though the characters drive me crazy).

    Twilight-- Decent plot, awful writing.

    Breaking Dawn-- Worst book I've ever read. Everything about it just sucked except the blonde jokes.

  9. Breaking Dawn - because everything I wanted to happen, happened and I could not have been happier with the ending to their story.

    Twilight - because it's the beginning of "Bella and Edward" and it's when they spent their happiest moments together.

    Eclipse - I didn't really love this one... I was biting my nails through most of it.  

    New Moon - the beginning of this just absolutely broke my heart and I didn't get it back until the end.  Most of it just made me so sad... reading about how sad Bella was... I didn't like that.

  10. I love them all!!!!!!!!!!!!

    but I would say order of publication!

  11. Bella becomes a vampire and has a child with Edward named Renesme.

    There, I just saved you a week of your life.

    Now go play.

  12. i loved them all but  i guess...

    1. eclipse because you get equal time with eddy and jake plus its a really good story

    2. breaking dawn. i was so surprised when (oops i forgot u havn't read it yet. sorry) well it was really cool and part was told through another characters perspective. a very happy ending.

    3. Twilight. The book that started it all! good plot

    4. new moon. very sad. made me cry. no edward. :*(

  13. Twilight!

    the book that started everything.

    even though the writing was horrible, the characters were interesting.

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