
Your favorite chess piece? What do you do to make it the winning edge?

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In what ways do you work the game to empower your favorite piece?

If your favorite piece is the queen, knight, rook, bishop, pawn or king... how have your incorporated that into your game style?

I love the Bishop. You can be more risky with a bishop than other long range power pieces like the rook or queen .. the bishop can do the dirty work without being so important as indespinsible.

I steer my game openings to create an open center and preserve my bishops for that power diagonal. I hate closed board positions with a pawn blockade!

I have a friend who's favortite piece is the king...most people are timid with the king....his coordinated attacks with the king at mid/end game will leave you amazed!




  1. I like the knight.

    The knight is subtle but powerful because most players do not consider it an important piece.  When used correctly (especially in tandem) - it (they) are deadly weapons.  A big bonus is that they can attack a queen without being in danger by her.

    As for my least favorite - the rook.  I've always thought they were overrated.

  2. i really like the knight

    its tricky movement pattern makes it hard to predict  what you can do with it

    i usually just throw it around to confuse my opponent to make him chase after it or mess up

  3. i like using my bishop and queen in combos to attack there king side

  4. Favorite piece, huh? Well I'm gonna go with the pawn. They have many many purposes. First, they can simply promote to ANY piece (aside from a king). It can also set up a fork, discovery , with a rook, bishop or queen. Pawns are also the lowest valued pieces meaning any trade for your pawn and any other piece is beneficial.

    The pawn also has a good attacking potential when they go kamikaze to bust open your opponent's shelter for his king for your pieces to deliver checkmate. It's also very amusing when a pawn alone delivers mate itself.

  5. all the pieces

  6. I really don't have a favorite piece.  It's best to know the strengths and weakness of them all and to be able to play correctly with whatever men are on the board and in the middle-game or the ending.

    But. . .  if I were to have a favorite piece -- it would be the knight.

  7. It dipends by the position.Sometimes I prefer the bishop because the position is open, and sometimes I prefer the knight because it can be stronger in the close position.

  8. I usually like to finish off an opponent with a double rook or rook queen combo, its a little safe, but its usually the result of totally dominating your foe piece by piece. The bishops are also where people mess up, they don't seem to be looking at the diagonal and you can make a great power play by trading your bishop for one of their higher pieces.

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