
Your favourite climate ?

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Your favourite climate ?




  1. Summer, but unfortunately...Philippine summer is over...

    rainy season is kicking off as well as classes in school! d**n...

  2. Summer

    The seasons are considered by some Western countries to start at the equinoxes and solstices, based on astronomical reckoning. In North American-printed English-language calendars, based on astronomy, summer begins on June 20, the day of the summer solstice and ends on September 20, the autumn equinox. When it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere, and vice versa.

    In Ireland, summer begins on 1 May and ends 31 July, due to the Irish calendar.

    But, because the seasonal lag is less than 2/20 of a year (except near large bodies of water), the meteorological start of the season, which is based on average temperature patterns, precedes by about three weeks the start of the astronomical season. According to meteorology, summer is the whole months of December, January, and February in the Southern Hemisphere, and the whole months of June, July, and August in the Northern Hemisphere. This meteorological definition of summer also aligns with commonly viewed notion of summer as the season with the longest (and warmest) days of the year, in which the daylight predominates, through varying degrees. The use of astronomical beginning of the seasons means that spring and summer have an almost equal pattern of the length of the days, with spring lengthening from the equinox to the solstice and summer shortening from the solstice to the equinox, while meteorological summer encompasses the build up to the longest day and decline thereafter, so that summer has many more hours of daylight than spring.

    Today, the meteorological reckoning of the seasons is used in Australia, Denmark, the former USSR and by many people in the United Kingdom, but the astronomical definition is still more frequently used in the United States.

    In general, seasonal changes occur later in coastal regions, so countries close to the oceans go for a later start to summer (with the exception of Ireland) than inland ones. Elsewhere, however, the solstices and the equinoxes are taken to mark the mid-points, not the beginnings, of the seasons. In Chinese astronomy, for example, summer starts on or around May 5, with the jiéqì (solar term) known as Lixia (立夏), i.e. "establishment of summer", and it ends on or around August 6. An example of Western usage would be William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, where the play takes place over the shortest night of the year, which is the summer solstice.

    Summer In Southern and Southeast Asia where the monsoon occurs, summer is more generally defined as March to May or early June, their warmest time of the year, ending with the onset of the monsoon rains.

  3. Winter, because I can't stand the heat, and global warming is gonna stop us from having winter in the future.

  4. my favourite climate is spring.

  5. Spring

    when everything spring back to life, its very beautiful , flowers ,  nice aura in the air

    Its the most pleasant climate

  6. 68 degrees F, 10% humidity, less than 5 MPH wind....


  7. my favourite climate is winter bec.we dont sweat.

  8. my favourite climate is - when the sun is not shining and there is no rain as well. but that doesn't means winter bcz i don't like chilly winter days .its too cold and most of my friends don't come out because they are sick. and summers are also not that nice. scorching heat and sweat all around. the description can be of the time when light showers are going on or some time  before rains.


  10. Winter only

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