
Your favourite wrestling moments?

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Your favourite wrestling moments?




  1. My Favorite moment was in the early 80's when the WWF use to be shown live from Madison Square Garden I was young and new to wrestling and the match that I could not believe was when Jimmy "Superfly " Snuka went up against Magnificent Morocco in the steel cage, I was blown away they were both bloody and then Snuka climbed on top of the steel cage held up his arms and gave the Superfly sign and jumped off the top of the cage onto Moroccoo , I was stunned , and hooked , at that time I never knew wrestling was scripted that it was an act , I was really disappointed when I finally realized it was fake , I now to this day know people in the business , but I cannot watch it because of the fact its scripted , but oh well still that Snuka match was pretty cool.

  2. when john cena had to give up the title becaasue he was injured? that day wwe went for the better until that clown came back. but seriousaly my favourite moment was when kane attacked taker in the HIAc mathc in his debut. it was a great storyline

  3. When Eddie Guerrero won the wwe championship

    When Chris Benoit won the world heavyweight champioship

    When Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit hugged at wrestlemania xx

  4. When Christian Cage became the NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Champion..

  5. when scott hall debuted on wcw television, where he went through the crowd to get to the ring.

  6. when hogan won the belt from the iron sheik

    when hogan slammed andre the giant

    when hogan joined the nwo

  7. When Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero embraced in the middle of the ring as both of them had just World Titles.

  8. When Stone Cold Steve Austin sprayed The Rock, Vince and Shane McMahon with the beer truck. That was crazy!

  9. When DX impersonated the McMahons and had f***s rain down on them. Classic DX moment.

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