I thought it would be fun to reflect on the wonderful memories of your first horse show =] So lets hear them! How excited/nervous were you? How did you do? What was so memorable about it?
I remember mine so well! It was a schooling show. I was thirteen and had been riding for about a year or so. The way it worked was our barn gave us request slips, which we would write down 3 choices of horses to ride, and the instructors would sort through them and organize everything. I was doing walk/trot equitation and pleasure. I had requested to be on a horse whose riding level was a bit above the classes I was in and I had never ridden before-I just thought he was gorgeous and wanted to ride him so badly. And what do you know-they paired me right up with him. I remember being soo nervous-but in a good way. Butterflies and all!
To my surprised Killian and I placed 2nd in equitation, out of a class of 23 riders! (The school I went to was ENORMOUS). And a 3rd in pleasure. How about you?