
Your first kiss?

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Please give me every possible detail about your first kiss. I will award 10 points to the most detailed answer!

XOXO Brit ♥




  1. I was aggressively handled by an older woman. It seemed really innocent at first. And since my experiences in such things, in all things were so limited I did not know how to respond. At first other people were around us but it was like a dream. You know no faces and cloudy vision.

    But soon we were alone.

    A She knew what she was doing I felt that because I felt so comfortable. She would rub my head and kiss my checks. She would position me on her stomach-she really seemed to like me on her stomach. Then in our private room a noticed a camera. Well I did not know it at the time but later it was explained to me what was going on.

    It was explained to me in front of my entire family how she really loved me. It was on the video  that woman giving me my first kiss. That woman I call mother.

    Thanks mom I love you too!

  2. My best friend next door when we were about 7.

    We were behind my shed in the little fort we made, I was making Kool-Aid and he was sharpening his knife. Then I looked up cuz he'd stopped sharpening and he was kind of giving me a funny look, then he just kind of stepped up and kissed me on the mouth. We were 7 so he kind of smushed his mouth on mine, I was shocked out of my mind and sort of pushed him away. He tasted like cherry Popsicle, lol. He was dead embarrassed, I remember his freckles sticking out cuz his face was so red. Later we laughed about it.

  3. I was 15 and a boy from another school took me to an all-school dance on our (and my) first date.  This was 20 years ago and I still remember that I wore black pants, black granny boots, and a red shirt with a peace sign on it.  We were slow dancing to "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" and we just started French kissing on the dance floor in this domed stadium.  I was floating on air.  Then a couple friends of mine spotted me and were just amazed that I had a boyfriend and was kissing him, and I got all giggly.  We broke up 3 weeks later, but to this day, that song reminds me of that night and my first kiss.

  4. it was like nothing i ever felt, though i just let her kiss me bc i had no clue how to kiss.... but it was at a romantic beack in Honalulu and i was 15. i was on vacation there for about 5 weeks and met an amazing girl, and we saw eachother there every day. and about 1 week before i left back home, we kissed while lying on the beach at sunset!

  5. i recieved my first kiss when i was 13 from a boy i started liking in church, he was 14 and i was 13, we dated fro a while until his family moved to north carolina. they moved back to my state 3 years later and we picked up where we left off in our little romance.  At 17 im married him, he was always a good, good, kisser, he would hold my chin and pull it to him on an upward motion and kiss me oh so sweetly.  i loved kissing him we would kiss for hours, he had the softest lips and boy did he know how to kiss, he would suck my bottom lip every time he kissed me, oh what a kisser.  5 children and 13 years later i divorced him, but we are still friends today.  He was my first love and his kiss had a lot to do with me falling in love with him, still today whenever we see each other, we still start off with a long, long kiss. i am still in love with him and his kiss.

  6. Horribly wet and disgusting - she was a terrible kiss

  7. wrong section,dumbfuck.

  8. It felt like a passion dream, sprawning with majestic lights and featherd pillows.IT was when i was 19 years old.A girl i had a crush on came up to me and said i had gorgeous hair. i said thanx, and out of nowere, she kissed me smack dab right on the lips, for at least 3 min. straiight!But it was nice, and will never forget it.

  9. Well I was in the 7th grade I was12 years old and I finally got the courage to ask this girl that I had a crush on since like elementary school to go to the school dance wit me everything was going good I bought her some food we talked and hanged out wit her friends and my friends then her favorite slow song came on and she grabbed my arm and pulled me to the dance floor and we started dancing. I never slow danced before but I guess I must of did something rite cuz she stopped and gave me a kiss on the check, it was the best feeling in the world them we stopped and look at each and we both knew wat was going to happen I close my eyes and tilted my head to the side and so did she I’m guessing it was her first time too because we both tiled our heads to the same side and bumped our noses so there was nuttin we could do but laugh and try again =D

    So we tiled to the side once again but this time I took a quick glance as to witch side she was going and then her lips press against mine she held my back I held her hips and I went a lil south and "accidentally" grabbed her butt =D she just laughed, then she put a small part of her tough out and opened her mouth then I put my tough in and started massaging hers and it was just great I felt like I was on top of the world and nothing existed but me and her, it was a weird feeling of happiness and well  satisfaction lol I will never forget that day she tasted like fruit punch and sours skittles it was yummy =]. The kiss it self lasted a good 20mins, it was about 3 years ago when I was 12 but me and her are still friends...with benefits every now and then XD.

  10. i was 11 my girlfriend had giant b***s redhead and gorgeous she was 13

    we were swimming at my house then i had fallen and was crying she said ohh come here and kissed me frenchie!!! it was awesome im such a pimp


  11. i was a junior counselor.  we were taking the kids on a hayride one warm summer night.  this kid sammy, who i liked a lot kissed me on the lips.  i got butterflies in my stomach and thought i was going to faint.  lol  i was twelve.
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