1.Did he or she cry a lot at night or when you would go off to work?
2.Did it destroy your furniture?
What breed did you get?
3.Would you recommend that breed?
4. If not then what is your favorite breed?
5.What did you feed it that you recommend because it is healthy and let your dog live many long years?
6.What websites, books, or dvds did you use to help you?
7.What pet store did you buy your dog's supply?
8.What was/is his or her name?
9. What did you want one?
10 Was it what you thought it would be?
11. Did you live in an apartment, condo, house or other?
12. Where did you go to buy/adopt your puppy?
13.How much do you estimate you spent on your puppy per year?
14.Would you do it all over again if you could?
15.What would you change if you could do it all over again?
16.A short summary of your whole experience with your puppy?
Thank you!