
Your first time, how was it?

by Guest64453  |  earlier

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What was yours like, tell me everything i wanna know and was it special and why?




  1. i wish i could have waited for someone else...i mean,it wasnt a big deal...neither a big "tool"...the guy was very excited and i was totally turned off,and we were supposed to be "boyfriends" but we met in one week and next week i broke up with him cause i didnt really liked him...i am a *****,i know,so what?,hahahha

  2. i agree it was weird. and i wish i waited for someone special

  3. i wish i had of waited for a better time and person because my first time was horrible

  4. wierd

  5. My first time was with my best friend.  I'd had a crush on him for a year.  We were barely in puberty.  We were wrestling and stuff and well -- I felt "him" in my side when he was pushing me over and realized he was h*rd too.  So I worked up my courage and reached into the leg of his shorts -- and... BAM.  Afterwards he told me he had been waiting for me to get the courage up for months cause he didn't have it.   We continued having s*x regularly for several years although he was mostly straight.  He has continued to support g*y rights through his life.  We are still friends.

    It was wonderful and very special, yes.

    Kind thoughts,


  6. i havn't lost my virginity yet, but i'll tell you about my first kiss....

    his name was franki, he lives in d.r and i live in n.y it was my first kiss [i was 14] he was 13, but it wasn't his first he has kissed manyyyyyyyy girls.  My friend was forcing me to kisss him, i kept saying no no no,  i was soo shy!!, but  i secretly did want to and i guess he did, but he was nice about it when i first said no he said it's not forced, then 3 minutes later [or less] my friend told me again and asked me if i wanted and i kept my mouth shut and she tld franki see she wants to!! so then i got closer and thank god he made the first move, cuz i was frozen, it was pretty good i think there was tounge, i'm not sure, if i didn't have said stop, my friend told me he would of kept on going and supposly he was just getting starting within those 5 seconds [i think they were five] it was really amazing, i stopped because i was insecure, that maybe my breath stinked [cuz i havn't eaten anything] or i was doing it wrong, like i said it was my first time.....but he never said anything about it, i absolutly loved it, idk about him [he wasn't my bf at the time he was in May 08 but i broke up with him i got my first kiss august of this yr with him``

  7. absolutely terrible :|

    i was 10..and a 15 yr old guy raped me..

    was not fun.

    and screwed me up for life.

    i still get nightmares, have to go see a therapist, attempted suicide etc


    but my first time with a girl, was just amazing, very very special indeed :]

  8. Depending on how you define first time - well I didn't like it. Mainly cos I was drunk and too easy. I just know what i like.

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