
Your fisrt thoguhts when I say..........?

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Americans are................?




  1. awesome.

  2. crazy

  3. mostly egotistical and naiive to Third World Countries and *like the first person* to this war in Iraq.

    Americans are nativist.... this list goes on....

  4. First thought, best thought, as the Zen Masters say :))

    Americans are most people around the world, pretty decent people, who are being led to the slaughter by the psychopaths who run the country.  It might be time to review what is really going on with respect to the true agendas of your top level "elected" officials, and take action before it's too late.

    Your country is owned by the illuminati/NWO military-corporate fascists, who have every intention of doing to you what they please, while making themselves ever richer. This is no delusion -- do the research !!  

    Endless war means more wealth for them, and more deaths for the mere "peasants", who they consider less than human.

    Very sad !!

  5. left in the dark when it came to this war

  6. I'm sorry but I said I'd answer this honestly.

    The ones that come to Ireland can be a bit naive at times.

    They come up and ask are we meant to tip here coz we heard ye don't like it. Come on who doesn't want to be tipped.

    Also they come over saying my great great great grandfather was Irish are there any mulrooneys around these parts?

    Give us a break please and no your not going to see leprechauns

  7. the world police and think its there sole purpose attack the weak...

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