
Your help about my cats problem?

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My cat Dusty has damaged ligaments on the sides of her kneecaps . She is too have two operations to correct them the first is on her right knee on Tuesday . Has anyone else had experience of this problem ? She is our baby and it seems unfair as Dusty already had a major bladder problem two years ago .




  1. Aww, Arwen said she had an accident.

    Sorry to hear that, I hope she gets through her operations ok.


    aww i love my cats too, hope he gets better ...

  3. Poor baby!  Maybe this will be the last major problem Dusty has, hope so anyway.  Give her a big hug and lots of attention from us Yahoo users.

  4. awwww...

    despite the fact that I have a cat, I'm not really a petperson!!!

    but I do hope your cat gets better!!!

    I starred it for Jackpot, he knows a lot about animals!!!

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