
Your house is burning. You only have time to take one item of clothing, one food item and anything else.?

by  |  earlier

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What do you take? The item of clothing cannot be a whole item, it must be a top or bottom ect.... The food can be something such as spagehetti or Ribena but it can only be a drink or actual food. Anything else can be ANYTHING ELSE.




  1. a pair of jeans, trail mix, and my bible

  2. Documents (I have my important ones ready) and pets.

    I'm insured and its just stuff.

  3. Forget the clothes and food. I'll substitute alcohol instead.. so 3 bottles of alcohol so i can sit outside and watch it go down.

  4. If my house was burning why would i waste time saving food???? or clothes for that matter

  5. i would take a dress, my bag (which has makeup, all of my pics, etc...) and cheerios .!

  6. i would take my wife... for happy times along the rough road ahead *wink* *wink*

  7. i wouldn't be worried about clothes and food. i would be running around trying to get my animals out of the house

  8. i would not care about the food, i would just get a dress, and my favorite stuffed animals. i have like quite a few.!!

  9. I would take the clothes I am wearing unless I'm in my PJs. I'd skip the food. First I'd  make sure everyone is out. Then I'd grap pictures (i.e external hard drive) and memories that I can't replace.  Next would be my iPod with the music files, and work that I can't replace.  I wouldn't care about the rest of the stuff because insurance can replace them (unless I have time to haul a few things out).

  10. Stuff the food and clothing!

    I'd take my laptop, my purple cello and my double bass.

    Not the most practical things to have to run with during a fire, but oh well!

  11. Well I would only worry about getting what i have on me and my brothers and sisters out of the burning house. I would grab my keys of the counter and thats it.

  12. i take  a super cute pair of heals i have..

    i take some marshmallows to roast in the fire from my burning house...

    and i take my son hes not an item but hes still the most important thing in my life....

    and if he wasnt in the house than i would take my cell phone...

  13. Jeans, huge bag of crisps ,

    + my dog because i wouldnt want him to die.

  14. I have no pets so I'd want my meds because they're life-sustaining for me. Anything else is just extra.

  15. i would take a towel and wrap my cats up in it and run!!

    anything else would be my laptop and my phone so i can call the fire service [ if i had time]

  16. Well, provided my husband, kids and pets were safe and out, nothing else matters much. I'd probably grab a blanket instead of a shirt or pants, to wrap my kids in.  As far as food? Um, maybe something the kids could snack on while we figured out where we were going to go for the night, like animal crackers and as far as anything else? Pictures. Pictures are very important to me.

  17. house acutally did burn, and when your house is burning all you think about is your family and getting out safely.  It all happens so fast that you don't think of anything besides your family.  If you EVER need anything out of your house don't go back and get it....wait for the firefighters and they can get it (if possible)

  18. Family Pictures!

  19. well pants and s***w the food, Ima getting me a top!

  20. I would take a pair of sweat pants...because you can live w/o a shirt.and sweat pants are comfortable...i would take a bottle of vodka to hide the pain of having my house burn down...and i would take my laptop...because now a days everyone has wireless and i can steal internet 8-D

  21. Both my dogs, and my guitar.

  22. I would not worry about things that I can replace and just get myself out of there

  23. My uncle's car as on fire and it was next to my house and we were all freaking out. Before we left, I saw my brother taking his gamecube with him before leaving the house lol. But the firemen came in time...

  24. No one would take food and clothing.  People and pets come first.

  25. I'm not real sure I'd have saving food or clothes on my mind.

    It would be more like my pets and family heirlooms.

  26. I'd leave with the clothes on my back and instead take my purse (stretching it for a clothing item) and the strongbox with my important documents in it.  Anything else I can get from there.

  27. myself

    i have ADT so i dont have to worry about it and plus i live across from a firefighter place

  28. Honey, I'm not takin anything..

    I'm gettin my butt out of the house...

    I suggest you do the same if God forbid you're in a situation like this.

  29. No clothes or food. My acoustic guitar and as many of my books as I can possibly carry.

  30. I'd s***w the food and clothes GET MY DACHSHUND TO SAFETY. Theres alway time to get another piece of clothing and food.

  31. u exit the house do not go back in and do not take time to grab something or the fire could grab u

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