
Your ideal Prime Minister?

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What/who is your idea of the ideal Prime Minister? What would you want to be on the top of their list of priorities if they were to be put in charge today?




  1. Jeremy Clarkson... enough said i think :)

  2. Jeremy Clarkson

  3. give the job to jeremy clarkson he cant do any worse than the rest  

  4. I think David Attenborough would be the best Prime Minister.

    At least hw would care about the future of planet over business and he was voted the most trusted man in Britain.

    Also Trevor McDonald might be quite good.  

  5. Jeremy Clarkson!!!

  6. Hugh Grant

  7. Richard Branson

    Build more prisons and lock everyone up that commits a serious crime and keep them in there for the maximum time possible.

  8. some christians might throw rag at me for this

    but Richard Dawkins he would encourage educational pursuits  which is very much needed in this society and especially encourge people to think for themselves

  9. Austin Powers

  10. as things stand Cameron, however if it was a presidential style although i am conservative in my thinking i would vote for Blair, at least he stood by what he thought, like most politicians (or people infact) he made mistakes but he didn't get us into the mess BROWN is getting us into.  

  11. David Cameron! Complete independence for Scotland!No English taxpayers money to go North of the border! No defence contracts from Whitehall!Especially shipyard contracts!

  12. An honest one!! One that actually cares about and listens to the people...and doesn't put their own interests first...But they are few and far between.

  13. Jeremy clarkson, straight talking even if slightly annoying. But he'd get the job done and sort things out. And not give a s**t about upsetting peoples feelings, thats how you deal with a problem.

  14. I would like a non existant one

  15. A "Robin Hood" type figure - someone who took from the rich and gave to the poor.

    In this society money goes to money it makes me sick when there are so many families out there living in poverty.

  16. I want a PM that is going to stop s******g me over!! stop robbing me blind by taking all my hard earned cash in taxes, stop giving these workshy spongers a free ride by paying everything for them, to put the Great British peoples needs before illigal immigrants, i want a PM to be honest and decent and stop giving all their work collegues 2 houses and making tax payers pay for it!! good god i could go on forever so ill end this now before i explode with rage.  

  17. It's pretty difficult to find anyone involved in British Politics these days who is in the least bit inspiring..

    I think Tony Benn would be a great Prime Minister.

    Possibly Mark Steel or Mark Thomas would be younger and possibly ideal for for the job - they'd certainly kick the smarmy spinmeisters into touch.

    Maybe George Galloway before he got so hooked on media and fame but I still respect him (sort of)

    Any of those would do what is right for the majority of people rather than do what is in the financial interests of the rich elite which is what New Labour and the Tories are about.

    I think the Lib Dems are the best hope for the country although they have a rubbish leader at present.

  18. Some one who came to the job with a good portfolio and experience and also one that had a well informed and experienced cabinet behind him.

    Would a top bank employ someone who knew diddley squat about banking. This is the problem with the present government many are in experienced and the present PM is just too timid to keep them in check.

    My top list of priorities in to bring back traditional skills training so that we can compete globally again. Bring back a good manufacturing base so that we are not reliant on imported goods.

    Of course this will not happen because there are too many greedy fat cats in this country who are exploiting their own people by their wheeling and dealing with manufacturers abroad.

    This country needs a strong leader who is not afraid to tell some of the business community that charity begins at home.

    The thing is that many of the big buisnesses here are foreign anyhow.

  19. An ideal PM would be somebody who wasn't born with a silver spoon in mouth. At least they'd manage money better than Brown. Also they'd at least TRY to stand by their beliefs and be honest. Another thing would be stop making tax payers pay for the workshy and everything else the government screws up or feel they "need".

    Maybe then this country won't be overrun by mass immigration, people leaching off of the benefits system and when you go into a bank/shop ect. the person serving you can actually SPEAK English.

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