
Your input RE: dreams & pointed (no pun intended) instances of shattering glasses/dishes in the last week.?

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When the items broke, (one on each day for several days) it was as if I was being told something that I should understand, intuitively. That the Universe was trying to tell me something at that instant. My mind saw it about to happen/as it happened, and a "bell went off" (so to speak) A little voice, if you will, saying "Take note." each time.

And the dream last night was quite vivid. A large glass paper weight (that I keep no where near the kitchen in waking life) smashed a glass & bunches of small shards stuck all over me. Then a couple teens pulled it all out. There was not much alarm In the dream nor much pain or blood. And then it became important to keep their younger siblings from walking barefoot through the tiny pieces on the floor.

It's not the dream alone so much, but it combined with the recent cases of breakage & my mind marking it at the time of each occurrence that I'm wondering about.

Any thoughts on how this could be interpreted




  1. Lots of breaking glass suggests that you're having a rough time dealing with your emotions lately. You're either too fragile, or you're shattering w/ explosive rage.

    Dreaming that the Universe is trying to tell you something speaks to anxiety. For the Universe to attempt to communicate with you is the impossible (seemingly - although I'd disagree, but we're just talking dream interpretation here, not metaphysics) & to have the impossible happening in a dream, means that the impossibles must be happening all the time around you in real life - what's happening lately that you think is outrageous? Something, and it's bugging you.

    Paperweights could be significant to feeling like you need to hold something down, or feeling like you are under pressure from something which needs to be smashed...or, that if you have to keep holding down whatever it is that needs fixing, you're going to explode.

    Having people pull glass splinters out of you is speaking to your desires of wanting to involve outside people in this situation to help you, but not being sure how to ask them - this is why there isn't too much alarm, or blood. It's a troublesome situation you are in, but, you aren't panicking yet & you realize it isn't fatal, but, that it is important to protect others from this (that's why everyone was concerned with protecting the younger children from walking barefoot through the glass).

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