
Your insecurities? List 'em ALL?

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Do you try to be, if not perfect, better for your loved ones?

Share any other thoughts you got




  1. No, I tend to be nicer with strangers. I love helping them with anything, any time, any place. But the closer someone becomes to me, the lesser I care about making a good impression and I start being rude. Sad, really, 'cause relatives see my worst side.

    As for "insecuries, list'em ALL"? Would you like that alphabetically or chronologically :D Looong list, hunny...

  2. I don't understand your question 100% but I'll try to give an answer to what I think you're trying to ask.

    I try to be the best for my younger brothers by setting an example. I know I'm not perfect, and they know that too. But when they see me fall short of being a good man, they also see that I get back on my feet and handle the situation better the next time. I don't try to be stuck up -- if I'm wrong or did something bad, I say I'm sorry and I make an effort to never do it again.

    No one is perfect, but we all can do our best to be perfect. In terms of teaching our loved ones, set the best example you can. Just remember God is always watching you, that should help.

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