
Your license will be revoked for at least __________ years if you kill someone because of reckless driving.?

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Your license will be revoked for at least __________ years if you kill someone because of reckless driving.?




  1. for a little bit.

  2. i think that  it is perminate revocation in nc but not sure... if it is not than it should be

  3. 100 years!! I mean if  u kill someone.. because you were not paying attention . .. the best thing to do is to just revoke yoour license for the rest of your life!!!


  4. Your license will be revoked for at least three years if you kill someone because of reckless driving.

  5. Depends solely on the judge and how they see the circumstances.   There are minimums in many states,  but judges can impose stricter guidelines.

  6. Depending on the circumstances, you could be sentenced to life depending on your record and or if there are any aggravating circumstances (previous or simular offenses) against you. Your license could be revolked indefinately depending on the circumstances, but really, you should worry more about going to jail.

  7. I think in Ohio it is 10 years.  I'll check my booklet and get back to you.

    After a 10 minute internet search, it seems there is quite a difference between:

    Reckless driving resulting in death. (a 6 point violation)

    Reckless DRUNK driving resulting in death.

    Vehicular manslaughter.

    Vehicular homicide (using your car as a planned weapon)(life in prison or death for YOU)

    Sorry... it really depends on many facts surrounding the case.

    AAAAHH here it is, page 35, DIGEST OF OHIO Motor Vehicle Laws:

    If you cannot show proof of insurance after you are convicted of Homicide by vehicle, the state will suspend your driving privileges for THREE years.

    Page 30:  ...convicted of vehicular homicide or aggravated vehicular homicide under the influence of alcohol or drugs... will suffer PERMANENT loss of driving privileges.

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