
Your opinion: How old is too old?

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At what age do you think a woman should have her last child? I have two (5 and 15 mos.) and am 31 years old. Just wondering what everyone thought ...




  1. 35-38....

    Hey, I just had my first at 29! :)


  3. I would say after 45 tops. For me I wouldn't have one past 40. I am 37 now and done anyway. We have 4 boys. My youngest is 8 years old and I had him when I was 29.

  4. Well i think it is totally up to that person, i seen a 66 year old grandmother had twins not long ago and i have heard of stories of women older then 66 having babies (usually for daughters etc....)

    I do agree with others who say that they might not be around to see their children grow into adults but again it is a personal choice....

    Just because people don't agree don't mean people will stop doing it!!

  5. as long as you're healthy, it's all a personal choice! my boss had her 3rd child at 43 and she's healthy and so is her daughter.

  6. want to enjoy your child as an adult too :)

  7. I think after the age of 45, a woman should probably not be trying to have a child anymore.  Her risk of problems with baby as well as her own health are higher.  I'm 35 right now and expecting my 5th baby.  I will tell you, pregnancy was easier when I was in my 20's, but now that I've reached the 2nd trimester, I'm feeling pretty good.  I'm not worried about my age.  I don't feel too old to do this all again.  If you want to have more children, by all means, go ahead and plan for it.

  8. Since risk can go up with age, particularly with Down's Syndrome after 35, I would say early 30's is my personal limit (32, 33) Also, I want to still be somewhat young when my kiddos are grown and on their own.

    But does it mean you can not have a healthy baby at 40? Nope, lotsa people do. Since you are just wondering what everyone thought, that's my opinion.

  9. 40. older parents seem to be better parents. just remember the older you are the harder pregnancy will be on you. hey, if you want you can borrow my son, i have a paper to write for college! just kidding, good luck.

  10. My mom had her last one at 37...he's now 15 (16 in November) and she's 52 (53 in September).  And she was fine, and I haven't ever seen that her age was a problem.  I think as long as you finish up by 45 (assuming your body will be able to manage a pregnancy and you'll have the energy for the baby) than go for it!

  11. i dont think women should have children after 35. im 22 with 2 kids when im 35 my kids will be 15 and 13 years old. i think that this is a great age to be when kids are teenagers. i will still be young enough to do plenty of sporty activities with my kids and still young enough to be a fun parent and friend to my kids. but also old enough to disipline and teach my kids right from wrong.

  12. As long as you're fertile and able to have children, go for it - our ability to bear children is our gift to the world! However, it's been proven that when women over 50 become pregnant, disorders like autism and down syndrome are much more common. If you're 31, I'd say keep going for it if you want more children.

    Hope that helped!  =]

  13. 40.

  14. 33 is the oldest, in my opinion. you could always go older but whats the point of raising kids so late in the game, you should enjoy your older years.

  15. I don't care how old anyone else is when they have their kids. That is their problem, not mine.

    I will be finished by the time I am 27-28yo. My own personal decision.

  16. How old is the father?

    Older parents are or the more chance of birth defects and problems. The father has everything to do with this as well (read up on it).

    I feel a women in her 40's needs to take caution. Your age is no problem I don't think, but how old is the father? How is your health? How is his health? This should be taken into consideration.

  17. Wow, teenage mother.

    So you're one of the irresponsible ones....


    I think that that's a woman's choice. A 70-year-old woman just gave birth to twins (yikes!) But I, of course, think that that's way tooooooo old. I think that maybe around 40 should be the latest because not only will you embarras your children from being so old (lolz) but you will have a difficult time getting preg.

  18. well there of course are medical reasons that women should stop having kids at a certain age. prime baby having years are between 18 and i believe its 30. after that the risk of complications get higher through out the years.

    Now I feel personally that early 20's is good.

    when I had my first son I was 22. I was a hard pregnancy and labour. how ever After he was born i recovered quite well  and fairly quickly.

    Now when I had my second son I was 26. alright pregnacy OK labour and delivery. but the 4 years inbeteewn sure made a difference in the recovery time. wow. It took much longer to bounce back. mind you this is just my experience. ever woman is different.

  19. For me...I'd personally like to have my last child by or before the age 22. I'm 19 now and have an 8 month old. I want them to be closer in age and I want to be able to be a young energetic grandmother.

    If I were you I would start to try conceiving in

    My mom was 41 when she adopted me and she was so tired by the time I was in H/s because she still had to work and was a single mom in the end. So, I didnt wanna be an older mother because I saw how hard it was for her.

    Plus...the older you are the harder it is to get your body back!

    everyone is different though. My husbands sis is 32 and is about to try for her first one soon ( I personally think thats too old for her first)

    Good luck! No matter what you decide

  20. If you can still make a baby the natural way, then you aren't too old!  There are higher risks the older you get though.

  21. i think, everyone is entitled to have their own child/children, as long as you could still bear one, and if you still like to have one, then give it a try, since every child is a blessing, if its given to you, accept it and if not, be also thankful for the other blessing that has been given to you.

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