
Your opinion about the war on Iraq???

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I am just wondering if someone here still agree on the war on Iraq,

and saying that Iraq is been a grave danger on attacking the U.S.

Since Iraq before the war did not threatened the U.S and never killed one American civilian.




  1. The war on iraq is a total waist,americans should get the h**l out of there..i am sure gas prices will go down and economy will get better.Violence brings more violence,so no good;instead they need to be hunting osama bin laden  

  2. I thought the war was a waste of are time and a piece of c**p. We're only down there for oil. Its so stupid how Americans get so mislead in believe stuff. What has Iraq done to use? Answer that for me people. In who was the country that attack us Afghanistan.  

  3. Well Al Gore for one...especially since it was he and Bill Clinton who were the source of the Intelligence...but let's have Al speak in his own words if you're willing to watch and hear him speak.

  4. No, I think most americans know that this was a smoke screen to allow the government to get something - what is what we're still trying to figure out.

  5. ok,i agree,there where no threats where given to US civilians.but i truely believe we have to look at the bigger picture.the KURDS,and ethic minorities suffered greatly under the regime of SADDAM.the near extermination of the MARSH people was horrific.

          but saying all of that,i do believe we where blindly led into a war with false imformation on weapons of mass i am a true BRIT,i have to support our brave troops.

  6. there shouldn't BE one.

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