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It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it one must work at it.

(Eleanor Roosevelt)




  1. dont get it !

  2. Lip service to an ideal is a dis-service.  If you profess an ideal then you must actively work toward it.  At the time she said this the shadow of war was cast across Europe, and many politicians tried to cater to popular opinion by preaching isolation.  What I believe Eleanor Roosevelt meant was that isolationism would not prevent war, only diplomacy could, and only if it was actively pursued.

  3. very true. bitter they are empty words really

  4. It is OK. But not earth shattering.

    Actions speak louder than words, says it all.

  5. One afterthought after another.

  6. Actions speak louder than words...

  7. Great quote, the problem today is there is entirely too much talk, analysis, voting on, polling, etc. etc. and not enough ACTION!

  8. The best things in life are worth working for.

    End of.


  9. It takes more than one to make peace!

  10. c**p, don't get it

  11. I like it

    However not everyone has the time or inclination to do it.If they did well I guess it is that classic What if question.

    It boils down to judgement and being at peace with oneself and not being at odds with any others opinion or religion or way of life.

  12. I agree, i think it a well written and meaningful quote. People often say that if you believe it will happen, then it will, not so. If you want something you have to work at it AND believe it will happen.

    I think it true for many things in todays society, we are handed so many things on a plate that we've forgotten how to get things ourselves.

    If we had to work harder, things would be appreciated and more respect would be earned and gained as it is seen has a h**l of an achievement.

  13. Words are cheap  . You must have  the conviction to carry it through. If you want to change things.

  14. If you want something to happen you have to work at it so the quote is very true.

  15. A typical piece of right on illiterate krap

  16. I have seen and heard better quotes. This one is average.

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