
Your opinion on Barbaro's one year death?

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Well a lot of you already would know what I would say.

Just that how I loved him so much and bet he would've won the Triple Crown.

So I really have been thinking about him non-stop today, and sure, that might sound like "Wow, are you obsessed with him? Thats weird." I know some of you are thinking that but honostly I don't care. Because as crazy as it sounds, that horse meant the world to me.

So just back off. Its my life not yours, and I can love and miss him and much and as long as I would like.

Now just tell me your opinion on what you think? Or if you think anything of it at all...

Thanks and RIP Barbaro♥




  1. well yes its sad he got hurt and died. he was a great horse. i cant say i have give him much thought  in the past year. life goes on. im sorry you are still so up set by it.  as good as Barbara was there will be others just as good. his death as sad as it was did not change horse racing in any way. spend the day remembering your favorite horse, have your self a good cry  and move on. i have been around horses all my life. my grand father was a VERY well known horse trainer.  thoroughbreds was not his specialty but was called in  to consult on many race horses. so i know how attached you can get to a horse but at the end of the day it is family and friends that  make up our life. im not telling you to forget about Barbaro (none of us horses lovers will) but it is time to let him rest in peace

  2. You are an attention seeker like a parasite living off someone Else's glory or in this case a horse!

  3. They make to much out of a horses death.

  4. Yes, I loved Barbaro just as much as you do. I was thinking about him today. I am so glad they buried his ashes at Churchill Downs, where he had such a spectacular performance in the Kentucky Derby. He was an amazing horse and I am glad that they honored him this way. Mel, I am glad that you love Barbaro with such a passion. I love him too!

  5. i felt once he broke through the gate, he would get beat...

    it is rare for a horse to break through the gate, and then win

    they should have scratch him, he would have won 2 of the 3

    races of the triple crown, and then the breeders' cup classic,

    there should be a rule if they break through the gate, it is a

    automatic scratch......thanks for your passion.....

  6. I don't think you're weird at all for missing and thinking about Barbaro so much. h**l I miss him too and I never even saw him for real just only on t.v. He was such a beautiful horse and I know he would've won the Triple Crown had his leg not shattered. I'm horse crazy too and I own a big book about American quarter horses (they're a good breed too). I have the Barbaro:A nation's horse DVD that i got for Christmas along with the Ruffian DVD. I even watched a documentary about him on t.v. i forgot what channel it was on. It's nice to know that Dr. Richardson did everything in his power to save him. Like you I may sound obsessed with him but I don't give a d**n! I'm just a horse lover and always have been!

  7. I was surprised when I realized it was the one-year anniversary, because for some reason I thought it had been longer (don't know why).

    I do think the Jacksons made a wonderful decision on where to inter his ashes.

  8. It was sad that he got hurt, But it was a horse. I mean before he died people were sending get well cards and flowers to him! Like he knew or could read! That's stupid.

    Get a life people. next time donate a little money to an animal shelter or something

  9. To each their own I suppose.  I never gave it much of a thought.  To me, he was just a horse.  Rather talented perhaps, but still, just another horse.  And, to be honest, I don't understand the FOB thing of idolizing him as they do, but that's their business.  It was sad that he broke down and was eventually destroyed, but it's sad for any of them.

  10. think he is still dead.

  11. Seeing as I still use his portrait as my avatar... you KNOW I was thinking of him today. I was very pleased that the Jackson's are going to memorialize him with a statue, and that he will be placed at Churchill Downs. They were gracious enough to share him with all of us, in good times and bad, and now we will all be able pay our respects in person.

    Barbaro brought a lot of people together, people who don't even follow racing very close. His fans remained dedicated to his memory, and in his name have rescued many a horse! They have raised tons of money for the Barbaro Fund and for laminitis research. People can say what they want about "us", but we all care and we all give back to the best of our ability. For a great read, go here:

    Godspeed, my friend, Godspeed...

  12. ask congress to make his death anniversary a non working holiday.put his image on our dollar bill.

  13. You know that I feel as you do,Mel.Barbaro was special and what happened  to him was so sad.I still wear my "Riding With Barbaro" bracelet every day. I too thought about him all day.I read that the Jackson's were going to have his ashes buried at Churchill Downs under a nice statue of him. Barbaro has and had many fans and he will live on in our memory's.His foundation has raised quite a bit of money to study equine diseases and that is wonderful. Keep on loving "Barbaro" Mel and I will too.

  14. Mel, I know you miss Barbaro, but think on this- his younger brother, Nicanor, is going to make his racing debut later this year- he turned 2 on January first. As far as I know, he's in training at Fair Hill in Maryland, with Michael Matz, who trained Barbaro. I don't live far from Fair Hill, so I can keep an eye on what happens. You are not wrong to honor and remember Barbaro- a lot of people are doing this, regardless of whether or not they admit to it. I think it's just a matter of time before the Jacksons and Matz make another attempt at winning the Triple Crown. Who knows, perhaps Nicanor can be the horse who will take them there- and wouldn't that be a fitting tribute to his older brother? Just be patient ( yes, I know that's hard at times) and wait, and it will happen.  Cheers-

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