
Your opinion on Cheney?

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Do you think his L*****n daughter will want to inherit his millions in bloodmoney once he dies?

What is your general feeling about this man and his motives. What makes this guys get up in the morning? Do you think he says to himself in the mirror "You're a good guy, you're doing the right thing" ?




  1. Cheney is evil. Pure evil. His motives are to gain power and rake in heaps of cash. He looks in the mirror and there's no reflection.

  2. i'd have him on my team any day.

  3. He reminds me of Darth Vader everytime I see him on TV.

  4. Would someone please indict this man?

    And from the look on his face, he knows exactly how evil he is and loves every bit of it. He's the most transparently malignant political figure since Nixon.

  5. I didn't check your link, but I imagine it's pretty bad if it's any kind of expose' on him.  This guy has always made my skin crawl.  He even looks evil.  Almost cartoonish.  Who else do you know that could have gone out hunting, DRUNK, shot someone in the FACE, not tell anyone about it, & get away with it like he had just forgotten to pay for a candy bar?!  With "friends" like him, who needs enemies?!  This is a great question, because I have asked myself the same thing about everyone in this administration, but especially Bush & Cheney.  How do they SLEEP at night?!  Are they proud of the "job" they're doing?  Idk, but I've considered the possibility that he is either Satan or one of his trusted minions, lol.  (I'm laughing, but nervously, lol!)  I may check out the link when I get back, so I may need to edit this.  I know it can only be worse, 'tho.  (Motives?  Same as Hitler's & Bush's: Greed, egomania, & mental illness.

    P.S.  Mirriam, I like the way you think!  (I agreed with another of your answers about natural disasters!

    P.P.S. Zombie Killer you are becoming a hero to me, lol!


    Ok, I watched the vid, & I agree that information like this should have been given to the American public all along. But as is the tradition of our media, we are only shown what the powers that be WANT us to see.  I'll never understand why the democrats didn't do more to see that Al Gore took his rightful place in the White House, when he clearly won that election.  But there are things going on, that have gone on, that "we the people" will never know about.  It's just stamped "CLASSIFIED"  & no one can question it.  It was/is an illegal war just as Viet Nam was, & look how long that dragged on.  Too many Americans are just too lazy, apathetic, and/or stupid to get involved in the politics that will govern their own lives & the generations to come.  And we all thought "Animal Farm," "Watership Down," & "1984" were works of fiction!

  6. The Anti Christ of American politics.

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