
Your opinion on Tamsyn Lewis's behavior??

by Guest60228  |  earlier

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I know that there is a lot of emotion with our olympians but I really found it hard to take the way that Tamsyn responded to her loss...

and Tamsyn's remarks as to her co sprinters?

Is it un-Australian?




  1. Un-stable i would say.

  2. I really don't know why so many people stabbed her in the back, for being upset, within minutes of being knocked out off the Olympics.

  3. I really felt for Tamsyn. I think she did well just to get to where she did. How many other Aussie track athletes have gotten thru to any of the finals??????

    It is un-Australian to knock someone for having a go.

    Of course she was emotional, she'd put a lot into that and the negative press has been appalling. She doesn't deserve the harsh criticism. I admire her for wearing her heart on her sleeve.

    What she said about drugs in sport was reasonable given that it was in the context of various Russians having been caught by the drug testing authority.

    She gave it her best shot, and on the day it wasn't good enough, but that is no reason to crucify her.

  4. I found it hard to cope with the fact that 7 interviewed her straight after her loss. And then rather than simply offer comiserations they started questioning her about drug cheats. ZCome on, give her a break. Ask those sort of questions at press conferences, not the moment after the race. I thought it was extremely poor form from the interviewer.

  5. I found it all really fake actually and I am a big fan of Tamsyn

  6. My opinion is..

    A participant can only do as good as they can do.

    If you lost you lost, single team or not

    Phelps swims ageist himself not the field as do most "sports" peeps.

    What bugs me is the celebration of especially PRO stars who do little dances when they do what they are paid celebrations.

    I can understand why Olympians who generally are not 'pros's' ;-) get a little excited but you still have to have some humble in your exubreance

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