
Your opinion on a $500 Jacket, from Abercrombie?

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Okay, $500 for a jacket, from Abercrombie. I thought that was strange, i mean, i never saw something from Abercrombie get that expensive. I love abercrombie, but I'm not going to spend that much money on a jacket, i don't personally think its that great. What are your opinions?

I know there will be atleast somebody saying "well I can buy it your probally poor" or "if you don't want to buy it then dont" so please, just act normal. Lol.




  1. It is pure leather that is why and it isn't that much. I don't really like the way it looks but It is ok for a S***y a*****e place like abercrombie

  2. i would rather spend $500 on an actual designer jacket than on a jacket i can pick up at my local mall. Abercrombie isnt all that stylish or well-made, and the store is starting to price their items like they were made by marc jacobs.

  3. another reason why i hate Abercrombie


    Total Rip Off

  4. thats insane for a jacket!!!!!!!!! and to be honest its sort of ugly sorry

  5. Personally, I would never buy a jacket from abercrombie for that price. I would probably find a designer jacket instead and buy that. Also, I dont really think the jacket is that nice looking, but its ur decision.  

  6. uhm. abercrombie prices are always ridiculous no matter what you buy. thats why i dont shop there. but the jacket in particular is leather, regularly expensive,with the added abercombie&fitch label, making it even more expensive. even if i did have that much money i wouldnt blow it all on  a stupid jacket.

  7. omg i love it but i never give $500 for a jacket.! too expensive.

  8. i like that jacket, but 500 dollars??? For real? I think that way to much for Abercrombie.  

  9. that it pretty insane!

    it's a nice jacket though. what's probably doing it is the 100% leather. and there's a lot of other work that's adding up.

    then, put all that together with abercrombie's regular prices...

    and you get $500.

    however, even if i scrimped and saved $500 for something, it certainly wouldn't be that jacket, because it doesn't look as much as it's worth.

  10. wow. i've never seen anything in abercrombie for $500! i've also never seen anything there that's leather (other than their leather flip flops lol). personally, i'm not crazy about it, and i don't think it's worth that much $$.

  11. it's definatly not cute enough but is probably good quality

  12.   its expensive because its made of leather, and because abercrombie can stick whatever price they want on something and SOMEONE is bound to pay for it.

        and your right, its a horrible jacket.  

  13. That's CRAZY!

    The jacket is kinda ugly.

    Abercrombie is going loco loco!

  14. I would buy many clothes from Abercrombie but that jacket is very high price from this picture. Although who knows in person the jacket very well may be worth it.  

  15. OMG!are you kidding me?lol, i would buy a burberry jacket with that money any day!

  16. i think its expensive because

    1. its ambercrombie. everything there is waaay expensive

    2.  its made of leather

  17. i live in canada and its converted into $700 canadian..HOLY COW.

    thats expensive! i guess its cause of the 100% leather but wow 700 bucks woooow, i, like you, have never seen soething so expensive in a+f like this. i would never buy it =/

  18. WOW:O

    its not even that cute..

    but its made out of leather..

    whoever buys that is crazy:)

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