
Your opinion on fake nails?

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Your opinion on fake nails?




  1. i got mine done at the salon, but i got them short, the long ones look terrible (in my opinion) i suppose it ruins your nails, but it shouldn't as much damage if you don't get them done all the time. maybe like now and then.

    but mine look pretty nice. they can get crude under the nail part, so i just take a toothpick and clean it out. like it was sand for me.

  2. Ever heard of nail rot?

  3. i like to wear them on special occasions like prom and stuff but otherwise i don't like them b/c they damage my real nails plus i just prefer my natural nails.  

  4. fake? really. You dont need 3 inch long nails.

    (guy friend)

  5. Gross. I hate them, especially when they are unaturally thick..uugghh! Gives me the willies!

    I like well groomed natural nails. My wife uses this 4 sided buffer thingy that makes them really shiny and smooth without even using any polish.

  6. Tacky-looking if its obvious they're fake

  7. cant be too long.

    ridiculous patterns and colors well...theyre just ridiculous.

    nice length frenched are cute

    IDIOTS:EVERYONE KNOWS THEY ARE FAKE. if your real nails arent cute fakes the way to go and they last a lot longer. plus guys like back scratches with em. honey get them nails!

  8. what if your friends love em and you say they are real...then they come of by accident....imagine the embarrassment....

  9. Cute but annoying.

  10. my opinion? they are SO disgusting. my friend was just tapping them numerous amounts of time during class on the table. tap tap tap tap UGH!! and plus, the fake nails that they glue on just look so huge on your fingernails.  

  11. fake  

  12. they are kinda s**y but not everyday

    answer mine?

  13. Do not care for them love being as natural as possible

  14. tacky

  15. one word: f-a-k-e  

  16. Well of course they look fake people come on thats the obvious. I highly doubt that any girl who has them actually thinks they look real lol. Heres my thoughts on them

    -they aren't very clean underneath even if you try

    -they are crazy stupid if they are either too long or too bright with patterns and all that c**p

    -they are nice instead of painting your own nails 4 times a week

    -it is good to have them for cuticle reasons such as peeling ext

  17. i like them. I dont care how fake they look as long as they arent 10 inches long..

  18. cute just get them regular size not really long

  19. depends... if you get the good quality ones there really pretty... but if you get those target one they look soooooo tacky

  20. trampy and weird

  21. well sometimes i wear them because i bite my nails (it's a habit)

    and i get the natural french nail ones. Not the fake-looking ones that are begging for attention.

    it just hurts sometimes when i remove them.

  22. hate them because they damage your real nails

  23. they are cute as long as you don't get a stupid color and get them too long.

  24. I like them i try to keep them short and natural looking the reason i get them is because my real nails are short and just ugly they won't grow they just break off.  

  25. I don't see the point of fake nails. who really looks at your nails? False acrylic nails, especially French look so cheesy.

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