
Your opinion on liver and onions?

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after watching that one episode of Doug, I decided to try some Liver and Onions. Personally, I didn't like it, but maybe the restaurant I went to didn't do this dish any justice. Just wondering how you guys feel about this dish. thanks, randy




  1. I've never eaten Liver and Onions that tasted good, not anywhere.  Not even my Mom's....yuck!!!  It's just one of those foods I think most people dislike.

  2. I agree with orf1943. I don't like beef in general and that includes liver. But pork liver's fine... although I've only had it once at a restaurant and it wasn't that good...

  3. i love it but it depends on who is cooking it

  4. I don't eat meat, so I wouldn't know what liver tastes like. But onions aren't bad.


    Dude, Will, I know what you mean. The same thing happened to me with broccoli. There was a worm in it. I thought it was something I could get over but my sister said, "can you taste it's guts?"

  5. I personally don't like it but my family does.  You need Baby beef liver.  To make it good, soak in whole milk for at least 2 hours.  Take out of milk and dip in flour with salt.  Fry in heavy skillet, like cast iron, with the onions.  (Milk helps tenderize it more.)  Discard the milk or feed to your dog or cat, they will love it! and it's good for them.

  6. as a child my parents insisted that we not only try liver and onions but could not leave the table until we finished.  funny how things go as tormenting as that was it is one of my favorite things now.  i would not order it in a resturant people almost always over cook it.  trick is to brown your sliced onions first  in butter and remove them and gently flour the slices of liver and cook them quickly returning the onions to heat before serving.  my children cried over eating it and i never repeated the way my parents were.  however i am a happy liver eater now.  gads i must sound like mr. hannibal l. from silence of the lambs.

  7. It is definitely an acquired taste.  I grew up on it, and I love it.  My husband and kids run for the hills when I come home with liver!

    The best tasting liver is baby beef liver - it will state it on the label.  If you can find organic, buy it.

    I find it best to make sure that you soak the liver in milk for at least 30 minutes - I was told it was to leach out toxins, but I just find it tastes better.  Then I pan fry it with the softened onions with a touch of butter and olive oil.  The secret is not to overcook it or it becomes tough.

    I enjoy it with thick slices of fresh tomatoe.

    Bon appetit!

  8. delic!!!

  9. I like liver and onions and I agree with others about caramelizing the onions first and make the gravy with the oil. I personally like to season my liver with garlic, adobo,salt, pepper,and a dash of liquid smoke. I also add some mojo in and marinate overnight.

  10. I think it is every bit the equal of the Bubble & Squeak stuffed Hagis someone asked about up the page from you query.  In a word HORRID!

  11. Hmmmm, I used to be a huge liver fan and I used to eat it quiet  a lot.  My dad owned a butcher shop in Ireland many years ago and I worked there as a kid and my job was cutting up the liver to pack etc.  One particular day I was cutting up this fresh liver. As I started to cut it I noticed something coming out of it.  I had a look and to my horror what looked like some kind of worms were wriggling.  It turned out the liver was infected with tape worm.  Ever since then I haven't put a piece of liver past my lips.  I just cant get those dam worms out of my head.

  12. Chicken livers, cooked in a presure cooker with onions are devine- they have the consistency of a good thick pate and have no chew to them whatsoever. I wouldn't have L&O any other way. My mother in law makes them with worchestershire sauce, barbecue sauce, red wine, salt and pepper and beef stock. YUM. We don't normally cook with barbecue sauce, but it gives the dish a flavour that just makes it awesome.

  13. I love liver and onions, and all livers generally.

    Chicken livers ar good in Filipino Adobo. Beef liver is good with onions and soy sauce, drizzled with lemon or calamansi (Filipino mandarin lime) at serving time. Pork liver, when really fresh, is great sprinkled with very coarse sea salt and grilled over a very hot wood fire. Serve with garlic, fresh sliced onions and chili vinegar.

  14. sorry the idea is just alittle to sick for me but i know a lot of people who like so since ive never tried it i guess im not judge ... still eating organs!

  15. For a starter you have to make it perfect so the smell will push you to eat it.



                       Fried Beef Liver


            1/2 kilo Beef

             salt and pepper

             cummins powder

              coriander powder

             1 head minced garlic

              sweet red pepper powder

               Butter for frying

    Slice the liver thinly, them spread on  salt and pepper,garlic, and add a dash of cummins,coriander, red pepper approximately 1 tbsp of each. Then cover and set aside for 30 minutes.Heat the pan with butter and fry them separately turning each other side until light brown. Don't overcooked it coz it' a little bit hard for digestion. 2 minutes for each is enough.

  16. Randy i like it the way i fix it.Fry the liver with onions,flour the liver,make a gravy with the oil you cooked the liver in.just take about a tbls of flour  & mix it with oil until completely disolved,after it has started turning brown pour in about 1 cup of hot water & let the gravy begin to thicken(be very careful not to let it cook too long b/c it will get very thick)stir this mixture until the gravy begins to thicken,take it off heat,pour in bowl and use this to put on top of mashed potatoes ---serve this with your liver.NOTE:: You can take your cooked liver & onions & put it in the dish that has the gravy & serve both at same time.Its pretty good.Be sure your season all this b4 cooking .

  17. I love it...In fact I had it last night with mushrooms and mashed potato.MMMmmmm. Trick is not to cook it long so its still slightly pink in the middle and to really slow cook the onions by caramelising them to make sure that they are extra sweet.

  18. I like the flavor of liver and onions. I don't eat it anymore because of all the hormones and antibiotics given to animals raised in the food industry. Organ meats have higher residual amounts of those chemicals present-especially the liver and kidneys which acts as a filters for the animal's blood.

  19. Beef liver has a very strong taste.  I don't like it.  But pork or chicken livers have a mild taste which I do like.

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