
Your opinion on my Paris video !?

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Tell me your opinion of my video ! Photography, music track, composition! Would you do anything different! Please feel free to rate it on youtube!

thank you




  1. c'est tres bien fait.... that's very well done.

  2. uh. wow. not bad I guess....., but when I go there i could take much much better and more interesting pics than that, after all my name is french. im actually named after the capital city of france.

  3. really nice ..i like it

  4. what's this military songs ???!!! are you a GI'S ????

    there so many nice french songs, why do you choose this one ??

    I'm french, I like and respect this national song, but it's too much military for a trip.

  5. I would change it a lot, may I tell?

    First the title:

    "Americans in Paris" - there are only 3-4 pics with Americans - the rest are buildings, museums, details....

    Secondly, you choosed a revolutionary music, La Marseillaise - the National Hymn of France, a very nice music, nice for a political reunion, but you think it is representative for this video?

    I think I would select George GERSHWIN or a French chansonette.

    There is something "victorious" in this selected Arch of Triumph and Gioconda (a "winning" painture).

    I did not understand why you keep repeating the same image (probably all the corners of a palace, a little boring, though - Poussin, know - I am sure). One is enough!

    then, if you really want to say something about Americans in Paris, I would like to see you doing something like: sipping from your cup at a "cafe", enjoying a boat-trip on the river,...

    For you, Paris was a very serious experience!

    Oh la la....Paris can be very funny, too.

    If an American who has not seen Paris, see your video BEFORE leaving USA, he might change his destination, thinking he will have to salute like an officer every statue in the city! :) kidding, of course

    so...if you ask me, I would like to RELAX the video a little bit!

    Like this is too CRISPY for my taste!

    but it was probably one of your first tries, no?


    Good luck, my friend!

    and don't hate is just an oppinion!

    psssst, by the way, some of the pictures are not bad! :)

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