
Your opinion on my forensic podcast, called Forensic Fact podcast?

by  |  earlier

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Please give me your opinion on my forensic podcast, and on my forensic website -- thank you very much, I wan't to make it the best I can.

Thanks again!




  1. The site itself looks terrific and it's good that there are lots of ways for your listeners to participate. Here are some tips I thought of, based on my podcast experience and my years in radio:

    1. Your intro music is great!

    2. Make sure you introduce yourself in the first minute or so. On the website, you may want to have a line or two to describe the podcast and your credentials or why you are interested in this topic.

    3. Read your material out loud for practice, at least once before you start recording. It sounds like you might be reading everything for the first time.

    4. Under "contact us", you have some grammatical mistakes. Get a friend to help you fix that, if it is not your strong suit.

    5. Your mic work is good. No popping and it doesn't sound like you are way across the room.

    Have fun with your podcast. You have found an interesting niche.


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