
Your opinion on racing?

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Fair enough the horses are bred to race etc. but it really ruins it for me when I see the horses being beaten up near the end when its so obv. there running their fastest.

Just look at the ears, their not enjoying themselves! Horses can feel a fly on their back, so they do not need to be hit that hard.





  1. I should be so lucky as to be treated like a Champion


    Roses, Personal Trainer, Personal Attendants...

    roses !!!!!


    Tough life !

  2. I don't think it's necessarily the sport itself it's the people who are in it.Every single thoroughbred i've seen has had the best of care love and attention. Why do you think Barbaro's owners did what they did for him? Not for the money but because they loved him. They even said so themselves! And so did his vet Dr. Richardson. And on the contrary look at Rick Dutrow and Big Brown. Maybe you should look at both sides.

  3. jockeys that dont use the whip appropriatly are usually sacked, as the owner of the horse doesnt want to see there horse abused! as an owner of 2 racing TBs in australia i want the jockey on my horse to get the best out of them, and thats not by bashing them to death!

    why dont you save the whales or something, and leave honest hardworking racing enthuisiests alone!

  4. ''''''Just Shut Up And Let Them Ride ""!!

  5. The whip does not hurt them when used properly.  Ocassionally a rider misuses a whip and that rider is punished or should be punished.  I have owned and trained horses for thirty years and the horses that you see at the track DO enjoy what they are doing.

    To learn the real TRUTH check out this site.

  6. do gooders like you make my blood boil,go away ,get a life & worry about some of the things that really matter in life third world hunger, child poverty, animals who are really abused not wether a 1000lb animal who recieves a slap and  who lives in the lap of luxury is ok !!!!

    have you ever been round a racing stable ? these animals have accomidations,standards of food & care that would make some people jealous.

  7. Horse racing kicks ***. Im tired of so many people bashing on it. Its a sport, just like every other sport out there. Ive grown up racing and sometimes when the horses are hit during a race usually at the final furlongs its so the horse goes faster and most horses run but dont run their fastest. And when their ears go back its bc they are getting more speed and are going faster. Dont judge the sport unless you live it. Your not a horse and you dont know how they feel and as for the fly thing.. dont u think theres a reason the hosrs get hit on their thigh?

  8. you are right of course,i know one thing for certain if i was in a race and i was losing i wouldn't run any faster,in fact it would more than likely throw me off my stride.

    the "showing of the whip" is to common a sight now in horse racing and its time the rspca approached the jockey club to lay down stricter rules on this

  9. I think all of the horses are really well looked after. If you were to visit Newmarket and  one of the racing stables you will see that the horses are looked after & loved by the "lads". I am not so sure that the actual races are fair and if you follow the form sometimes the results seem strange or may be I just don't like losing

  10. Do you have any idea how much these horses are spoiled? And they are 1,000 lb. animals, I doubt a crop is going to kill them. I have gotten to talk with Michael Cameron, a horse trainer at the TC in Kentucky and he explained that the horse is practically ALL muscle. A smack with a whip isn't going to hurt them the slightest. And I'm sure horses love it when they are running 35+ mph and the wind is going all in their ears. Having ears down solves that problem.

  11. a horse will be whipped by it's jockey to get that bit of extra effort from the horse, especially if the horse as a decent chance of winning the race or at least framing in order to collect minor place money.

  12. Go to the International League for the Protection of Horses website>:

    now renamed World Horse Welfare and put all your effort and energy into helping horses that are really being subjected to cruelty.

    Believe me the racehorses are the lucky ones, the majority are highly loved and cared for.

    Cruelty to horses is Worldwide and we can all help, but racing is not the place to start.

  13. I think whats important is that if the whipping is the only punishment inflicted on the horse next to exercising, then everything is ok.  If you ever tried to play a contact sport, then you know how hard it is on you to workout.

    The first goal of the horse and player is to earn a living, and enjoy yourself after reaching that first goal.  lol :)

  14. they are not being beaten up the whip is cracked beside the horse it does not touch it!! and what do u mean by look at the ears? the ears are back because of the speed they are running

  15. I agree i think it's cruel. It would be OK if they were trained to race and whips weren't allowed in racing so then they run how they feel and if they didn't enjoy it they wouldn't be beaten into doing it

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