
Your opinion on self defense?

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Say a young man and his young fiance are putting gas and an suv witth 3 drunk older men drives up. The young man notices theyre trying to get his attention and says hey do i know u. The driver of the suv then says something along the lines of u dont f-in know me. So the younger man turns to leave and thats when the driver jumps out of the vehicle and reaches into his jacket for a weapon. Thats when the young man jumps in the passenger seat and tells his fiance in the driver seat to step on it. So the driver of the suv gives chase. A half mile down the road the faster suv gets in front of the young couples car, cutting them off and forcing them to stop. The passenger of the red suv then jumps out with a weapon that is obviously a gun and its pointed at the couples' car. So the young man jumps out of his car, with his gun in his left hand and to his side, places himself in between the gunman and his fiance, and asks the gunman to lower his gun. The driver of the suv then jumps out the vehicle and reaches in his jacket again. Thats when the young man started shooting. Eight shots in all. The young man gets 16 yrs (second degree murder). If thats not self defense, what is?




  1. yea that's some definite bull c**p. now it seems like you have to be shot first to fire back at someone, if they're threatening him with a weapon he should most definitely be able to protect himself and his fiancee.

  2. The story appears to be self-defense against the 2 men with guns.  You do not say how the 3rd man (with the s***w driver) was involved.  In most cases of self-defense, you are not allowed to just shoot someone, they have to be in fear of your life or protecting the life of another.  You are required to stop shooting when the threat is stopped.  Unless the 3rd man was coming at him actively with the screwdriver then shooting him was not an act of self-defense.  Whether the young man had his gun "licensed" or not has no bearing as most states do not require guns to be "licensed" nor "registered".  All that being said, it does very much depend on the particular laws of the state in which it occurred.  

  3. first what state is this in? laws on self defense varies from state to state. was the young mans gun licensed? if not its an automatic arrest in most states. your whole scenario is a bunch of what ifs. the driver who jumps out of his SUV and reaches into his jacket is shot dead but no gun is found on him. the other driver seeing his dead friend splits and when the cops come, the poor guy is charged with murder. you mean nobody dialed 911? if the young guy had kept his mouth shut at the gas station, nothing would have happened.

  4. Sounds like it would be self defense, but if the young man was convicted, the prosecution must have told quite a different story.

  5. The story, as you present it, would appear to be clearly self defense.

    The decision as to whether a shooting is legitimate self defense or not, though, lies with the jury - and a conviction requires a unanimous verdict.

    If a jury in this case chose to convict, then there must be more to story than you've posted.


  6. what kind of stupid judge did that what the h**l literally the SUV guy was drunk had a gun and was looking for trouble lets say the Judge was with his wife huh so lets do what he probably said don't shoot the man ok. so the judge got shot k what happens to his wife abused killed  ect...... their wouldn't be any honor take him to Spain where honor and A Womens saftey is at the top of the list if he survived they would do him a favor and shoot the c**p out of him in live T.V. knowing that he could of shot the man who got away with his wife doing who knows what to her and may be any place in the world... Man and what stupid Attorney did that guy get it doesn't take a brain to say that dude I'm barley going to be a Sophomore tomorrow if I ever get to see that Judge I'll call my grandpa (were all Spanish dad and we will bomb that fool defending his future wife from a drunk man with a gun that bothered him first and then chased them for trouble is a good reason to blast that fools balls out to h**l  OMG uhhh I wish Iknew that Judge you know what if you have the Judges name tell me it I don't care where I will go to get him what he deserves.  That just pissed me OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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