
Your opinion on the topic "Are Indian movies corrupting the youth?"?

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Your opinion on the topic "Are Indian movies corrupting the youth?"?




  1. dude, all the movies have s*x scence

    but the youth like watching it now

    im 12 and i do <3

    just not around mom and dad

    even if they were watching togather

    the next thing i would see is my 60 year old father having a heart attack from one hump-jk

    my moms 35 and dads 37 .. hott

  2. Yes. It is bare all these days. No morality, no message and no responsibility towards society. Too much violence. So much so , that school children are weilding guns and killing  class friends.

  3. Majority of the movies do corrupt youth

  4. Do you mean like Bollywood where every movie is a musical using the worst music genre (Indian music, not to be confused with Indie music) known to man ?

  5. indian movies are showing the truth!!!!!! i thiks that it writly said the movies are the mirror of the socity..........

  6. There is no doubt about the fact that Indian movies , more particularly , the Hindi movies are corrupting the youths of India.

  7. yeah!! i does corrupt th youth ..... i can see changes evn in 4 yr olds!!! :-| der's no question 'bout the youth

  8. No, the other way around. Art mirrors life. The sexual antics of people in India has been going on since the Karma Sutra and beyond. Movies just reflect what is going on...

  9. yes of cource

    this is by bad pics...

    bad films and etc...

    they are just for entertainment but people are fond of films and bad thing...

    what the h**l it is.!!!!!!

  10. yes, because they make certain things seem almost as though they are exceptable which aren't, influencing young minds to subconsciously take in to consideration that something violent or sexually which isn't appropriate in society, is.

  11. i would rather insist that the question ought to be that are indian youths being corrupted by movies?

    Sure they watch whatever is in trend at the times & may be swayed by it  but its not something 4which only movies should be held responsible.

    If that is to be true, then what about our own intelligence, decisiveness & ability to interpret what we see.

    So, ok i invite you to watch a movie that somehow disturbs ur sensibilities, should our perception & subsequent actions in life be based upon that 2 hours fantasy trip.

    Should ur own understanding be so much weak that anyone spending 100 bucks & taking 2-3 hours of ur time becomes so strong that ur own rationality & sensibilitioes be rendered useless just  by it.

    if so than life worth 100 bucks & popcorn-soda is hardly life to worry about.

    If so than one's virtues are so fragile that they are as good as non existant.

    Also something swayed away by such small things as 100 bucks & a popcorn ought to be get rid of anyway.

    watch money , enjoy it, have fun & that's it.

    best wishes.

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