
Your opinion on these clothes?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I like the tidal blue madras plaid sneakers...they are really cool, but they will only go with shorts imo.  Every guy should have a corded belt in his woredrobe, however you have to know how to wear one.  They always look the best with a pair of relax chinos and a nice dress or sport shirt.  Check out and a bet you will find probably 10 pictures of them used on the modeled rigs.  You should definitely get them, those prices are really good.  

  2. i like the shoes and the belt a little bit

  3. I think they are very stylish.

    You must be brave though.

  4. those r nice

  5. the shoes are cool. the belts ok.

  6. shoes: cute

    belt: ew

  7. They are really cute. they would look good with like a colored shirt from like hollister or something.

  8. the shoes are very cute, and I like the belt a lot... I'm more into black acessecorise, but as long as you will be able to keep the white one clean and it dosent look dirty, then go for it! :)

  9. I love them!!!

    they are so cool!!!

    the shoes and belt are awesome!

  10. They're preppy... I like the shoes a lot but I'm not a big fan of the belt. :)

  11. Love the shoes but i think the belt is kind of g*y. Unless you are? if you are then both but if not dont buy the belt.

  12. shoes are nice but i don't know about the belt i wouldn't buy it but everybody has their style

  13. i love the shoes!!! but i dont care to much for the belt! =]

  14. I love love love those shoes!

    but I dunno about the belt.

    It's okay though.

    hope I helped[;

  15. LOVE the shoes the belt not so much it looks a little......joe bros.

  16. cute

  17. uhg so predictable

  18. Pretty cool.... I like the belt

  19. I think their both cute! You got good style!

  20. I love the belt and have been looking for one myself, thanks !!

    You should hook up with them both.

  21. Belt is ok. But not the shoes.

    checkout my question;...

  22. i like both the belt and the shoes but they aren't called clothes they are called accessories. sorry if that sounds mean but i hope this helps!

  23. hotness :]]

    hope this helped

  24. 1 yuck 2 OK

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