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I was just thinking about when I used to breast feed my son which was about 1 1/2 years ago I read in this book called what to expect in the first year. I had a 4 year old then and the book said if the older sibling gets jealous of the baby breastfeeding and asks to breastfeed to then you should let them. They said that most likely the child will not like it and not ask anymore. I found that a little weird and my daughter didnt ask but im not sure I i would have let her anyway. Do you think that thats what you should do if an older child asks?




  1. That sounds pretty weird to me, but to each his own. I don't think I would do it.

  2. that's just weird , i'd tell the older child that they were to old to do that with anymore and that only babies do it not big girls/boys

  3. I read that somewhere also (probably the same book!) and it sounds a little weird to me.  Just like a younger sibling will eventually have to learn that he/she can't do everything the big sib does, the older child has to learn that too.

  4. No, I think that's really weird. I can't imagine them asking anyway, unless it's a really young child that just stopped nursing recently.

  5. No, one should not nurse an older child to curb his/her jealousy, that is not an appropriate thing to do.

  6. That's a tricky situation because on the one hand our society frowns upon older children breastfeeding and on the other if you say no, you are basically telling your child that this is something only for the baby which tends to increase sibling rivalry.  

    It's not uncommon for older children in other areas of the world to continue breast feeding.  But in the end if you're just not comfortable with doing it, then you shouldn't.  



  7. Like actually latch onto the boob, no!  I could see pumping and letting them taste it, maybe. I didn't do anything but say "your a big girl, only baby brother needs breast milk now. You had yours when you were a baby". She was like "ok", and that was that. At most I'd only let them taste some pumped milk if they were really having a hard time with it. I'd never dream of saying "yea climb on up", and having them nurse! Thats a bit out there to me.

  8. I personally wouldnt

  9. That does seem weird, and quite frankly doesn't sound like the best way to address the situation. All that would do is tell the older sibling that if they want something, all they need to do is act out.

    Instead, I would explain why the baby get's to breastfeed and not the older child. Then I would find something special just for the older child and me, because it is important to spend individual time with each child.

    Even if my child did ask, I wouldn't say yes.
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