
Your opinion please????

by  |  earlier

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I personally think it is hypocritical for artists who get an award for their music and thank God for their acheivements, when their songs have a lot of profanity and such in it. In my opinion, if you can't sing your song in a church, then please do not thank God. What do you think???




  1. I disagree.  I think that different people have different conceptions of God, and if someone doesn't believe that saying a curse word is something that God would object to, then it's find if they thank them.  It is totally possible to be spiritual and believe in God without having to believe in everything that one certain sect of Christianity says.

  2. Totally agree with you.

  3. LMAO yeah, that's true...i never thought of it...but u made a good point!

  4. They should be thanking God for giving them the talent that they's not necessary for all that profanity, but this is the way the world is today......I've heard even preppy girls use the F I don't think it's going to change. Not buying these Cd's is the only way to show that most people don't approve, but that's not going to happen, these Cd's are where the performer and producers make their big money, and when you make big money with something it's not going to do anything but encourage more Cd's with this type of language, and most people under twenty five love it, so I wouldn't count on change anytime soon. Music sold in the millions in the sixty's, seventy's, (before and after)  and no one was using profanity that proves that it's not necessary !!!!!

  5. yeah. i think it's kinda funny. "thank you God for giving me the talents to write this hateful music and inspire young ones to follow in my steps. amen."    geez.

  6. Yea totally

  7. God bless you

  8. I totally agree with you. People need to put the "God Card" back in their pocket when they dont really mean it.

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