
Your opinion!!!!!!!!!!!?

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university students should be required or optional to attend classes ,give your reasons




  1. It should be required that they attend classes, at least 95% anyhow. Most lecturers gives a broad education in a particular subject to deepen your understanding of  the area. They are not lecturing you to pass a subject, but to get some  knowledge so that you can work out an independent response gained by the lectures but also, enriched by your own research.

    What use would Universities be if lectures were non-essential to your understanding of the subject? What value would a degree have if I gave myself one without attending any lectures?. I didn't bother doing the assignments either? He was boring and I could easily read it in a book. I'm pleased I can get my own degree. I think I'll do surgury next. I'm sick of all the trouble I've had with that fussy old home owner. How could I be expected to know that there were't enough walls to keep the roof up. The book I read didn't tell me that.

  2. It shouldn't be required unless it is a lab section or a course that requires your presence (i.e. a speech class).  PhDs are not glorified babysitters.  It's the students' responsibility to know what he/she is capable of.  For instance, I have hardly shown up for one course all semester long, and I have the highest score in the class.  If I already know the material, why waste my time?  Don't punish the good kids because the dopey kids that come to college to party are not learning anything.

  3. Hey if you want to pay the money and not show up, power be to you.  But hear me now; don't come crying to me when you fail the class

  4. I think it should be required.  I mean, if you sign up and don't go to class, you're (A) losing money, and (B) cheating yourself out of an education.  If you're not going to go to class and therefore not learn, then why go to college?

    Education is the key to a successful job, and your education can never be taken away from you.

  5. Attendance should be (and usually is) optional at the university level.  Many courses can be challenged and the student can receive credit without ever sitting in the classroom.  Some courses can be completed with life-experience for credit.  They can often be done entirely online.  And if the student has the syllabus and can do the work independently then the student doesn't need to sit in a class.  Sometimes a professor will have a mandatory lecture -- then I can see the necessity of being there.  

    Compulsory attendance laws don't even work for lower grades why would it be mandatory for free-will adults to sit in class?

    If the adult student doesn't go to class, and doesn't do the course-work and can't pass the exams then so be it -- they get a failing grade and lose the money they spent toward accruing college credit.  What a waste.  Now, if someone else such as a parent or a scholarship is paying for the class and the student renigs on attending and doing the work then he/she should be held accountable by the person that put out the money.  But that is between them.

    A university student should do their best to get the highest possible grade and graduate with a minimum of expense.  Studying ahead at home is the best way.

  6. I think it should be optional for students to attend classes at any level, but especially university.  Some people can do just fine in classes without going to class, and others can't.  Sometimes professors give lectures and then test out of the book, which also irritates me.

    You should be able to decide for yourself how you want to learn the material for the class.


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