
Your opinion??

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Do you think in dance that competitive dancers tend to be better? Or do you think non-competitive dancers are??




  1. It doesn't can be non-competitive and still be great! I'm non competitive, and I got into a Highly-Performing Dance School.

  2. Well generally if you are a competitive dancer, it means you've been through tryouts and made it, so you MUST be good!! If you mean just people who dance in their spare time or people in dance classes, you can't really judge. Some are good, some are bad. But if you mean professional non-competitive dancers, I'd say they're better than competitive dancers. I think you have to be better to become a professional rather than a competitor.

    Hope this helps!!

  3. I think none competitive because they r more confident?

  4. i think it depends how hard each dancer pushes themselves  competitive dancers could be too confident thats y they r competitive   but they may just be good    non competitive could be really good just don't want to be pushed into the pressure of competition or they may think that they need more work and classes   i think it varies   all dancers are different   combined they could be good and bad and ok

  5. yes as much as i hate to say it! dance is a competitive field to go into so its natural that you have to compete to succeed. when you are training you need to have spring boards and bouncing walls. these are your fellow class mates. your class mates will be the ones who challenge you. there will always be the sense who is going to perfect this step first, who is going to be better at this dance etc. its cut throat BUT it can be a good thing. competitiveness will challenge you to work harder and perfect what you can't do. you say right well i can't do this and she can so i'm going to get it right and show her. you study how she does it and learn that way from her or you are able to ask her to help you. but when it comes down to it. thousands of dancers and fighing for the few hundred jobs and only the best get it. so competing helps to make you the best! happy dancing! =)

  6. Non-competitive dancers because they just dance with all their heart, mind, and soul.  They don't care to win or lose, but to have fun.

    Competitive dancers tend to get jealous, nervous, and just stumble.

  7. It depends what style of dance, and if you are talking about overall technique or stunning moves! For ballet, I personally think non-competitive dancers (in training!) turn out better. You don't see competition teams at the Royal Ballet School! However, the children are actually competiting to get a place there!

    I will assume you are talking about dance competitions though, held on a stage. For jazz, I think that competitive dancers turn out better. Dance competitions are a good learning oppourtunity for jazz dancers (because you don't see too many "Royal Jazz Schools" or anything like that!) I think jazz dancers (and hip hop and tap) need something like that to push them. Just like a vocational ballet school, the competitions push the dancers to be the best they can be.

    So, to anser your question, for ballet, i think non competitive dancers would turn out better, but for other styles like jazz and tap, competitive dancers turn out better.

    It is interesting to note that dancers are actually competing all the time! Whether they are at a competitive school or not, dancers compete in exams, auditions, even in class (who can nail that triple pirouette first? who has the best turnout?)
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