
Your opinion:Kurt Cobain(Nirvana) Murder or Suicide?

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  1. Suicide!


  2. Suicide....

    That is if we are basing it on astrology.

  3. loved nirvana

    hated his suicide...

    i'm a capricorn

  4. Suicide


  5. suicide

  6. Forensics really amazes me. It can be so exact that experts in the field can trace back thousands of years and show how someone died.

    So Cobain's death is inconclusive?

  7. suicide


  8. I say he was murdered by that b...tch Courtney. I have his entire boxset and this dude was very original . His voice was friggin good.


  9. I think he was highky emotional when he wrote that note and when to Courtney for help, but she just pushed him over the edge.  Cemented want he was unsure about.

    Influenced suicide

    I'm a Leo with Libra rising

  10. Murder.. Courtney killed him of course, its very simple. To the deluded people out there who say it was suicide there are many facts, if u don't believe me then go to  or search it on wikipedia


  11. suicide; cancer

  12. it was obviously a suicide. i am a leo

    nirvana sucks. they were less than mediocre musicians and kurt was a drugged out no talent pissed off about nothing kid who wrote very cliched grunge songs and made bank off it since that was whats in

  13. Suicide


    As a child I had heard of them and saw some celebrity or someone do a Nirvana song on "Stars In Their Eyes" (oh those were the days lmao, I feel old). I knew of them and that they were a Rock band from the 80s and Kurt Cobain was really famous and an idol for some people. It was only recently I did my research and found out that hey, I really liked Nirvana. It's really only been since Feb that I've delved into rock music and I'm really in my element.

    I know when celebrities die there are always controversies surrounding it but I generally think it was a suicide. I am open to other theories but generally that seems logical to me.

  14. Well I'm not certain; not knowing any of them personally...but I think it may very well have been murder. After the mind f*k I went through when my stepdad committed suicide, nothing could make me even consider doing that to my daughter. So, I agree, it's pretty fishy.

    I'm a huge Nirvana/Kurt Cobain fan..I think his death was such a tragic loss, whatever it was. I think he's a genius. Seeing the documentary on him truly moved me and made me want to reach out to him...I wish he'd had a positive force in his life...he seemed so lost. I usually keep one of my Nirvana cds in my car at all times; only a select few bands I do that with.  

    I am a capricorn.

  15. did you see how much water was in his chart!!!  plus many of his personal planets were opposite his ascendant and that's gotta be a personal struggle.  

    I personally loved Nirvana...not because they were popular by everyone at that time...I still love them and i love the songs that were not played over and over on the radio...but I love Nirvana for the songs and lyrics...listen to the lyrics...some can be so simple but so deep and poetic and thoughtful and his voice just sounds so emotional saying those little simple words and making them so big.  That's what's awesome to me about Nirvana and Kurt Cobain.

  16. MURDER!

    I just talked to my friend about him today,telling him he was a Pisces.

    He also explained to me,that from the angle that he was shot,there is no way that he shot it,but someone else,his freaking crazy wife!And she has 'LOVE' in her name.Ha!

    Don't remember it all.

  17. Hi C.M.

    I may be serious but you hust touched a sensitive nerve and I will agree with some here, Courtney had something to do with it. MURDER !!!!!!

    Am I a fan ?  I loved the guy's raunchy voice. Nobody like him. So sad to die at such a young age or should I re-cap, murdered at such a young age.

  18. yeah, i was kind of reading into it too, back in my kurt cobain obsession phase, and there are so many contradictions...but for now, i believe he committed suicide.


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