
Your opinions about my symptoms?

by Guest10801  |  earlier

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Let me fisrt start by saying that i had a miscarriage about a month ago and i bled on and off for a week i was between 3-4 weeks when i had the miscarriage. NOW, a month later, i am having constipation again where i might only go #2 like every other day.. and i am having slight naseua but sometimes to the point where i have to lay down or i will throw up.. I am getting dizzy ALL THE TIME! like probably 4-5 times a day... would you please give me your opinions on if you think this may be another pregnancy or something else??? also I always get my period on the 28th<< yea i konw it's wierd. but last month because of the pregnancy, I was late a week, then bled for 5 days when should i assume that my period is coming anyone know? and when should i take a HPT to get acurate results???




  1. Its hard to say whats prego signs or not. the only way is to be tested but if your like me your test will be neg till your at least 4 weeks. relax and wait if you dont get it by the middle of the next month or your illness dont clear up in a week go to your docs and get tested. You may have just wanted a baby so bad your making your body think its prego. I wanted to be pregnant once before and thought i was but turned out i was not. I wanted to be prego with my hubby this year it did not happen till I gave up and swore I only had the flu. LOL GL  

  2. take the test in about 4 weeks by then if it was due yo hormones it would be out of your system, you could be pregnant however if you have had unprotected s*x. visit the doc

  3. You should take the test in between your period, which would be about the 12th - 15th. Take a HPT then and if that isn&#039;t helpful, then go see your Family Planning Clinic or your GP. They&#039;ll look after you, don&#039;t worry! You&#039;ll be fine.

    I&#039;m so sorry to hear. My friend recently got raped and made pregnant, she had a miscarriage too, she called it Princess. You&#039;re not alone, don&#039;t worry, just go see your GP.

  4. After a miscarriage it can take quite some time for your body to return to normal, as long as those hormones are still present in your system your body still thinks it is pregnant, so it&#039;s not unusual to get pregnancy symptoms for a while after. How long varies for each individual. I personally wouldn&#039;;t be too concerned about it at this stage. HOWEVER, your best bet is always going to be to go see your dr and get they&#039;re opinion. If you have been having unprotected s*x then yes you could be pregnant again already although this isn&#039;t all that likely. I would recommend asking your dr to do a blood test as a hpt just may not be correct at this stage.  

  5. It is possible that this is a residual symptom from the misscarriage. It will probably put your mind at ease and help you relax if you take a test though. A lot of women experience these symptoms with normal PMS.  Good luck and sorry to hear about  your loss.

  6. Well, they are all pregnancy symptoms. If you know all the facts about what day you think you might have gotten pregnant then you could check a fertility calendar to see the possibility of a pregnancy ( However, just wait until around the time your period usually comes... if you miss it then take a pregnancy test. Best of luck !

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