
Your opinions on the whole Mayan Calendar/2012 deal?

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I was curious to know what everyone thinks on this subject. There are different theories and I want to see which are the most popular or the most sensible.

I'm leaning on the pole shift theory, but I would not be surprised if nothing happened or if this another Y2K situation. But, then again, I've seen articles from NY Times, CNN, National Geographic, and what got me to ask this question, MSNBC, that shows that our magnetic field is becoming weaker. That's a supposed focal point in the pole shift theory.

The Mayans are known for their incredible astronomical prowess.




  1. I honestly don't know what to think about it... because there are so many ancient calenders that end on the same day. It's a little creepy but then again I'm really not that worried about it... what happens, happens.

  2. my personal opinion?  load of donkey dung (not political don't get mad at me lol).  

  3. Most civilizations, when faced with the collapse of their way of life put forth some form of a doomsday theory. Some speculate that the book of revelations may have it's roots in the Roman conquest of the holy land. I suspect The Mayan calendar thing isn't much more than that. I think we should be much more worried about the asteroid that's supposed to pass perilously close to mother earth in 2029 when they say it's chances of hitting the earth are 1 in 45,000. The real problem is it's return pass in 2036 when all bets are off. The asteroids name is Apophis.


  4. my thought is this, if something global did happen that would cause major problems, we would not be able to do anything significant to stop it. so try and do anything you want before then and if it doesn't happen you will have stories to tell

  5. It's a load of bs designed to sell books to the gullible.

    If the Maya were so good at prophecy - where are they now?

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