My boyfriend (or well... thats difficult to understand...but you'll see) and I have bad depression. I have been seeking counseling and psychiatric help, but to no avail as of yet. My boyfriend, just like me, has pretty much felt worthless his entire life. But, lately it just struck him hard. He had to deal with stuff like this in the past, and when he saw people he got no help out of it, so now he isn't trying to get help at all. And, I can't force him because I'm not around him, and I can't even cheer him up.
Now my question/your opinion is two-folded.
#1: I know I have my own problems but he means a lot to me, what can I do to help him feel less worthless? Quite honestly right now I am his only true friend. I have been telling him that he makes me feel less worthless... that he helps me. But, he keeps saying that it's just not helping him because he just really can't like himself.
Oh p.s. suicide isn't likely, as I tried to commit recently and he about lost it so he made a deal with me so that i would never do it... he won't. we went as far to say that since we truly care for each other.. that if one of us commits suicide... that its likely the other will too, and we care too much for each other to have that happen.
Now my opinion, is, do you think it's likely he will overcome this, and that I can actually help him? We are technically on a break right now, because he can't love me when he hates himself. So I guess I'm a bit worried about our future. But more than that I am really worried about his health. Just wanted your opinions!!