
Your pictures of the paranormal? Care to share them online?

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I have read that some people here have taken pictures of these shadows, spirits that are in their homes.

Could you upload them and post the links on here?

I'd like to see what you have taken. Stories are great but nothing beats a picture to go with it.





  1. Well Make sure they are paranormal before people post them alot of common photo mistakes are on my site :) and alot of the photos out there now a days such as orbs which can highly be disproved; which is under "research" on my site "Orb Debunking" and i posted this as a answer for wiccan rider's question which is linked "which is the same as my sites research on orbs" :;...

    But i think alot of the photos are a term called matrixed or matrix which means *which is what many people Misinterpret certain shapes,patterns,objects/things,  in photos to be evidence of paranormal. also it depends on the camera because you should, use a 3 mega pixel camera or lower usally the higher the mega pixel is it drowns out spirit formation in an photograph i see alot of photos i click on and put them through i program i use and it tells me everything such as if it was created through photoshop etc. i also have a program where i put them as a negative for a closer examination .... There are legit photos out there but to come across one it is slim to none, 9/10 :) i'd like to see what people post though ! i will watch to see but will keep my comments to myself :) You need more then a photograph to call a place haunted !

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

  2. I have a picture somewhere...but don't know where. It's not digital. Is there any way you can make a digital picture out of a regular picture? (besides taking a picture of the picture...that would NEVER pass a skeptic's test) This was taken in a house we later thought was haunted by a short fat man. We didn't realize till years later that this picture might have been because of him.I thought the camera just messed up...but the other pictures we took out of that roll were fine. If someone will let me know how to make it digital ..I'll see if I can find it.Thanks.

    edit...The reason I said a short fat man was because I kinda "saw" one get into bed with me one time in that house (not knowing others had seen things there)He didn't bother me..and I just "froze". I was alone so there was no one I could scream for.(I didn't stay there long after that) That's when they told me they had seen things too.

  3. I keep coming back to this question.I'm hoping to see some great answers and photos.With all the experts you'd think there would be some by now.I've never found any myself, but I'll keep looking.

  4. well i don't have any ghost pictures but i no of the site which has pretty good ghost pics with stories at the top of it about where it is and what happened blah blah blah...


  5. Here's a picture of a shadow ghost. I took it at night, no flash.

    EDIT: So Zach, my shadow ghost photo isn't good enough for you? Closed-minded skeptic! You're a debunker, that's what you are!

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