
Your plan for saving endangered animals.?

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Here's mine, allthough it does addmitidly sound strange.

The first step is to leagalize their killing for products and privatize their ownership. I know I lost most of you right there, but bear with me. The person who owns these animals is not going to just kill them so they can make a quick profit. No, the good buisnessman will raise them. This process is why cattle are in such abundence in America. Think about it, we slaughter infinite numbers of cattle and yet they are allways still in abundence. The same process is even being applied in bison ranches.

btw, i did basicly steal this idea from Rush. so sue me.

anywho, what do you think of my idea and whats one of your own?




  1. ill buy 1 male and 3 female of each kind of endangered species...

    let them multiply...

    after  a few months....

    i will send those who has potentials to survive in the wild...

    and those small ones will still be under my care...

    and another thing...

    to continue the mission..

    i will still have a male and 3 females...

  2. One of the purposes of this concept is for people to learn ,

    but some just want to vent their point of view ,and hang what ever else somebody has to say ,if it differs from their opinion.

    The lady you said you lost on the 6th paragraph gave a very good synopsis of endangered animals .you should have Read all of it .

    I have my self advocated breeding wild animals to save them from extinction ,NOT the ones in Nature they must be left alone ,but apart from that on freeholds ,Private ranges or Parks ,and farms.and only be culled not farmed for meat as such ,

    In Africa if we leave the young male Bless bocks with the main herd ,the Alpha will spend all of his time trying to kill them ,and kill them he does unless we put them in another camp and many times have i been called out to rescue one ,so these could be eaten (sad but true)

    For example in Mexico it is impossible to stop people eating iguanas and they are being wiped out ,3 iguanas go for over a 1000 pesos ,this is what a laborer earns in 2 weeks ,and a child can go and come back with 3 or 4 iguanas in a morning ,the mothers in fact encourage them to get them out of the house and do something useful

    So my suggestion here was to breed iguanas ,and stop killing wild ones ,this is in fact already illegal ,but it makes no difference.

    we got some pictures of the Ecological Police trying to kill some with stones ,So how do we stop this if the authorities are perpetrators

    The same goes for protecting Deer ,wild boar,big birds,and these animals are on the peoples menu what ever we may wish otherwise ,or what ever penalties are imposed.

    So it would seem that partly we should breed these animals just to try and keep the people out of the woods.

    But they must always come under luxury items ,(people are already used to paying a lot because it is illegal)we must never commercialize this in a big way as you suggest.

    I realize it is very difficult to come to a happy medium with populations increasing and Nature shrinking ,And we have to curb our growth for a wide variety of reasons .

    And we have to change our diet because meat just is not sustainable any more in view of the population growth ,and land loss that has been going on for a variety of reason such as desertification ,erosion,natural disasters,

    Each year Farmers have less arable land ,less potable water and 70 million more people to feed ,

    Domestic animals are the opposite of sustainable such as cows and are in fact major destructive factors,leading ultimately to land loss.

    In Permaculture we advocate self reliance,self sufficiency .in a sustainable manner  ,where villages or towns or individuals look after their own needs .and do not need to rely on commercial enterprises for food ,for vegetables as well as meat

    If you produce it yourself but follow the rules of sustainability one becomes more prudent with your apatite,and if we include a health factor ,meat should be cut down any way it can be a small part of the diet but not the majority

    It is hard to figure out where you are going are you suggesting to open the wilds to  even more to slaughter ,this is insane

    The wilds should become untouchable,and we can copy it if we like and  breed certain animals in sustainable ways  ,for our own consumption .

    so the first step and this is already being done all over is to prohibit hunting .

    We must encourage people that if they want to eat meat they must make it themselves ,not steal it from Nature ,where those animals are necessary components of the Eco systems on which the basis of our own survival depends

    but i fear these words will fall on deaf ears any way.

  3. I think its a great idea but maybe you should start small with a group of people start a protest. I did that and it actually made half of our neighborhood stop buying meat products.Pass out flyers and information and trust me it just my work.

  4. Not likely to work man. There are animals that MUST be free, animals that can't be domesticated or simply can't be used for human benefit.

    What I say to save animals is:

    1° Stop the humans from breeding like bunnies, we don't need more.

    2° Ban hunting completely, nature has its own ways to control populations.

    3° Education over everything else, people that knows how painful is to die by an arrow isn't likely to go bowhunting, people that understand the bonds between the animals and its ecosystem isn't likely to mess with it.

    4° Make a massive protest, a year without meat until ranchers and farmers stop hunting predators. Honestly I prefer to see a cow killed by starving wolves than wolves killed by a rancher with no proupose.

    5° extend alternative methods of agriculture to save space on the land, space that should be destinated to repair the ecosystem. (Alternative methods f.e: Hydroponics.)

    6° Allow people to kill on sight hunters (Drastical, but I'm sure it would be effective.)

    That's all I could think about...

  5. get some girl animals and some boy of the same kind

    feed them

    letthem make babies

    when reach a large amount drop them in wild

    thell make mome and more babies

  6. The good businessperson would harvest the long-lived species to extinction because they could make more money and invest in something else - rather than ensure the species continued.  The "good" businessperson (by good, i mean profitable) knows that the greatest profit comes from selling all of the stock off immediately... rather than simply using what is sustainable.  For the short lived species, like cod, privatization would be effective but for longer ones, such as swordfish, whale or tuna, slaughtering them all would make you more money and as a business person, one would more likely sell them all off even if that meant one could never eat them again.

    Cattle farms are subsidized by the government.  They're not private at all --- in fact, you pay for the farmers to raise as many cattle as possible, and then pay for the milk/meat, and then also pay to repair the land that the cattle destroyed.


    Actually, whale species are continually hunted to the brink of extinction because it is simply more profitable to exploit them all immediately than to wait for them to grow and develop.  The blue whale for example was almost completely gone so whalers switched to the smaller fin whales. After the fin whales went, they switched to the sei whales...  and so it continues.  They exploited the largest and most valuable first, and now have moved on down the food chain. They are other species to use once the good ones are gone -- so the money from the first species is actually more profitable...  It's not only a quick buck, its a much much larger one that can be invested some where else and gain interest. (encyclopedia britannica)


    Endangered Animals of the World

    Life began on our planet about 3,500 million years ago, The first living things were found in the sea, and over the course of millions of years, from these early life forms, a rich variety of animals has descended. Through the process we call evolution, animals have become adapted to enable them to live in all parts of the world, sometimes in the most hostile environments.

    Almost 600 million years ago, the invertebrates appeared i.e. those animals without backbones - insects and other minibeasts. The earliest vertebrates i.e. animals with backbones, were in the form of primitive fish and appeared around 500 million years ago. From these, all the other fishes descended, as well as amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

    The animal kingdom is enormous and we do not know for certain how many species there are in the world. Around 1.5 million species of animal have been named and described by scientists - and over a million of these are insects. It is known that there are about twice as many animals in tropical rainforests than in any other habitat, and it is here that there are likely to be countless numbers of species yet unknown to science. It has been estimated that the total number of insect species alone could be around 30 million!

    It is just possible, but unlikely, that there are a few large animals remaining to be discovered, but what we can be sure of is that the most numerous large animal on Earth is Homo sapiens - the human! Modern man appeared about 30,000 years ago and has increasingly come to dominate the planet. The steady increase in population was speeded up by advances in civilization such as the Industrial Revolution and better health and medical care.

    The rate in increase of the human population is slowing down in parts of the Northern Hemisphere, but it continues to rise in Third World countries, despite the effect of famine, floods, disease and war. Allowing for the deathrate, over one million more humans come into the world each week!

    This population explosion means that millions of people suffer from hunger and disease, and more and more wild places are taken over, causing animals and plants to suffer too.

    The Increase in Population:

    It Took From To Reach

    Neolithic Age to birth of Christ (10,000 years) 300 million

    Birth of Christ to 1650 (1650 years) 500 million

    1650 to 1850 (200 years) 1 billion

    1850 to 1925 (75 years) 2 billion

    1925 to 1962 (37 years) 3 billion

    1962 to 1975 (13 years) 4 billion

    1975 to 1987 (12 years) 5 billion

    1987 to 1998 (10 years) 5.9 billion

    Extinction is for Ever!

    As almost everyone knows, to become extinct is to be gone forever. Even before man's arrival on Earth, species became extinct quite naturally. Natural extinction happens when a species declines in numbers gradually but steadily at the end of its evolutionary period on Earth. The length of this period depends on how well a species can adapt to changes in climate and changes in other animals and plants around it. This process of extinction can take a very long time - sometimes several million years - and the extinction of one species is immediately followed by the appearance of another in a continuous cycle.

    The case of the dinosaurs is the most well-known example of natural extinction. These reptiles appeared on Earth about 200 million years ago and dominated both land and sea for almost 100 million years. It is not certain why the dinosaurs became extinct, but their disappearance was a natural one and new species of animals evolved to replace them.

    The rate of extinction has speeded up unnaturally over the last 400 years, rising sharply since 1900. This increase in the rate of extinction is directly related to the increase in the human population over the same period of time. The vast number of humans has caused great damage to the planet, as wild habitats have been taken over, forcing animals and plants into smaller and smaller areas, until some of them have become extinct. We have also polluted some habitats with chemicals and refuse, making them unfit for wildlife. These causes of extinction are known as indirect destruction.

    Animals may also become extinct through direct destruction. This includes the hunting and capturing of animals. Man has always hunted and killed wildlife but when early humans lived more in harmony with nature, they killed animals for essential food and clothing. When firearms were invented mass destruction of species was possible. Animals have been, and still are, killed for meat, clothing,medicines, feathers, eggs, trophies, tourist souvenirs - and sometimes just for amusement. Some species are still captured in the wild for the live pet trade, even though their numbers are dwindling.

    The extinction of at least 500 species of animals has been caused by man, most of them in this century. Today there are about 5,000 endangered animals and at least one species dies out every year. There are probably many more which become extinct without anyone knowing.

    "Dead as a dodo"

    The dodo has become a symbol of extinction. It was a turkey-sized flightless pigeon which lived on the island of Mauritius. When sailors landed on the island for the first time in the sixteenth century, they killed the helpless bird for food. The dodo's eggs and young were eaten by dogs, cats, pigs, rats and monkeys which man had introduced to the island. The dodo, unused to predators, very quickly declined in numbers - and it was extinct by 1681.

    Greater Horseshoe Bat

    There are fourteen species of bat in Britain and all of them are endangered. The greater horseshoe bat is one of the rarest. One reason for their decline is the destruction of suitable roosting sites, such as old buildings and hollow trees. They have also suffered from the use of insecticides (poisonous chemicals sprayed on to crops to kill harmful insects) which have deprived the bats of their insect food.

    Siberian Tiger

    Cold, snowy Siberia, in the USSR, is home to the largest of all the tigers, the Siberian tiger. It is highly endangered and there may be fewer than 200 in the wild, probably all in special nature reserves. Hunting and loss of habitat have reduced their numbers.

    Loggerhead Turtle

    This threatened reptile lives in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the Black Sea and Atlantic Ocean. In the past its main dangers were hunting for its shell and meat. Now it has to put up with tourists disturbing the sandy beaches where it lays its eggs. In Turkey, hotels have been built right on its breeding sites. Out at sea, the turtles sometimes become entangled in fishing nets and drown.

    Northern Bald Ibis

    The Ancient Egyptians used to depict this bird in their heiroglyphic writing, but it no longer lives in Egypt. Colonies of this ibis are now found in Algeria, Morocco and Turkey. Part of the ibis' decline is due to natural causes. It nests high above the ground and its eggs are so round that some of them roll out of the nest and break. The largest colony of the Northern Bald Ibis is in Turkey, but the use of pesticides on the marshes and grasslands where it lives is reducing the numbers.

    White Tailed Fish Eagle

    Before man began polluting water habitats with pesticides, this spectacular bird of prey was much more numerous than it is today. In the Middle East, its population is now very small. The bird travels long distances in search of fish, and eating a number of poisoned fish causes the bird to lay infertile or thin-shelled eggs which are easily broken.

    Lion-Tailed Macaque

    The habitat of this small monkey is India's tropical rainforests. Many of these forests have been cleared and replaced with tea and coffee plantations. Unlike some other animals, the lion-tailed macaque has not been able to adapt to these new habitats. Poachers have also captured baby macaques, often killing their parents in the process, for illegal export to collectors.

    Mandarin Duck

    The mandarin duck (the brightly coloured male is illustrated) may often be seen on ponds and lakes in Britain, but its native home is across eastern Asia, in Russia, China, Korea and Japan. It may be found on water which is near forests, but the forests are being felled and the water drained, making the duck more and more endangered.

    Mountain Gorilla

    The Virunga volcanoes region in eastern Zaire, Rwanda and Uganda is the only home of the highly endangered mountain gorilla. It depends on dense forests for survival and these are steadily being cut down to make way for crop growing and livestock grazing. The gorilla is protected by law, but despite this, some of its so-called sanctuaries have been cleared, and hunters kill them for food and trophies.

    Jackass Penguin

    The jackass penguin is the only penguin to be found in Africa, and it was once the country's most common sea-bird. It lives off the coast of Namibia and South Africa, and the waters here have been over-fished by humans, depriving the birds of their food supply. Oil pollution also threatens them, as does the taking of their eggs for food.

    Blue Whale

    The largest animal ever to have lived on our planet, the blue whale, lives mainly in the cold waters of the Arctic and Antarctic, where it finds enough plankton to sustain it. It migrates to tropical seas to breed. The blue whale has been a protected species since 1966, but thousands were killed up until then. During the whaling season of 1930 to 1931 alone, 30,000 blue whales were killed by Antarctic whalers. Although their numbers have increased a little, there are probably less than 6,000 alive today. It will take more than one hundred years of protection before we can be sure that it will not become extinct.


    Sometimes called the banded anteater, the numbat was once common in the bush and forest of north-eastern and southern Australia. It is now only found in the most western part of eastern Australia. When man introduced predatory animals such as cats, dogs and foxes, these animals ate many numbats. Their numbers are still declining because their habitat is being cleared for farming and mining.

    Komodo Dragon

    The Komodo dragon is the largest lizard in the world and lives on a few small Indonesian islands. It is a powerful predator and can measure as much as 3 metres in length. There are about 3,000 Komodo dragons in total, but they seem to be slowly declining. They live mainly on uninhabited islands, so are in no great danger from humans. Scientists think that natural causes are to blame. There are more males than females alive, and also the natural plant life seems to be changing and the lizards are not adapting well to their new environment.

    Golden Lion Tamarin

    This tiny monkey is one of the most endangered of all animals in South America. The few that are left, about 150, are restricted to the only remaining coastal rainforest, southwest of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Forest destruction is the main reason for the tamarin's decline, but it is also in danger of being captured alive and sold as a pet - a strictly illegal practice which still goes on in secret. Some captive-bred golden lion tamarins have been put back into the wild in a protected area of forest.

    Spectacled Bear

    This bear gets its name from a yellowish mask which makes it appear to be wearing a pair of spectacles! It lives in the forest-covered mountains of several South American countries. As the forests are cleared for farming, the bear's numbers fall. Even though it is protected by law, the spectacled bear is still killed by poachers for its fur, meat and fat.

    Californian Condor

    Today there are no Californian condors in the wild - the only living ones left are kept in zoos. During the nineteenth century this large bird of prey lived in the mountains of many areas of North America. It started to decline last century when it was killed by gold diggers who collected its long black feathers. Disturbance of its habitat by tourists, pesticides and low-flying aircraft also contributed to its final disappearance in the wild.

    Black-Footed Ferret

    The black-footed ferret is America's rarest mammal. It is probably on the edge of extinction in the wild. This ferret hunts prairie dogs on open grassland, and as this habitat has been turned into farmland, farmers have tried to eliminate the prairie dogs by putting poison down their burrows. The black-footed ferret has also been poisoned by accident.

    Hooded Seal

    As with all animals that live in the oceans and seas, the biggest threat to the hooded seal is hunting. It lives in the cold waters of the northern hemisphere, stretching from Canada and Greenland in the west across to Iceland and Norway in the east. The male has a strange-looking hood, or pouch, of skin above its nose which it inflates when excited. The sealÕs population has been badly affected because both adults and young have been over-hunted, killed for their skins, meat, fat and oil.

    Is it Importan to Save Animals From Extinxtion?

    Some people may ask "why bother with conservation?" We now realise that it is important to maintain the planet's biodiversity, that it is the richness (variety) of animal and plant life, its abundance and wild habitats. From a selfish point of view, we humans never know how valuable a species of animal or plant may be for us in the future, perhaps as food, medicines or specific information.

    Saving Endangered Animals!

    People all over the world are working to help save endangered animals from extinction. There are conservation organisations which try to make people aware of the problems facing wild animals. Some of the ways in which they are being saved include habitat protection, captive breeding, setting up nature reserves and parks and using alternative products in place of products from rare animals. Governments can help by making international agreements between countries to protects animals (many countries, for example, have agreed to stop hunting the blue whale). Scientists are setting up gene banks in which they keep an animal's genetic material (the 'building blocks' of a living thing) in suspended animation. This technique may make it possible in the future to 'grow' a new animal of the same species.

    You can help too!

    The first step towards saving animals is to learn as much as possible about them. If we know where and how they live, and what they need to survive, then it will be easier to help them. It is also a good idea to learn from our mistakes of the past, such as destroying too much rainforest and over-hunting animals. To ensure the survival of the world's animals we must learn how to keep 'sustainable populations' alive i.e. populations with enough numbers for the animals to survive on their own. The dodo and all the other which man has made extinct became so because their populations fell below a sustainable level. It is worth keeping in mind that those animals may well become the endangered animals of tomorrow.

    Here are Some Ideas for Research Projects

    1. British Endangered Animals.

    Sometimes we forget that we have quite a number of endangered animals in our own country that need protection. We may even be able to help a few of them by providing a suitable habitat in our own back gardens!

    Choose one species of British endangered animal and find out as much as possible about its life and the reason for its rarity. What conservation measures are being carried out to prevent its extinction?

    2. Extinct Animals.

    Since 1600 about 500 species of animals have become extinct. As well as the dodo, we used to have the quagga, tarpan, great auk, passenger pigeon, and many others.

    Choose any three extinct animals. What did they look like? Where did they live? Why did they become extinct?

    3. Helping to Save Endangered Animals.

    As we have seen, there are several ways in which people are trying to save threatened animals from extinction.

    Imaging you are setting up a new conservation organisation to help a particular endangered animal. Which animal are you targeting? Where does your animal live? Why is it endangered? Explain in detail how you intend to save it from total extinction.

  8. Michael, your concept has been around in the real world.  Many hunting clubs and wildlife refuges around now exist because they were originally kept as areas where hunters could access ducks and other huntable creatures.  Their licensing fees were invaluable in preserving habitat for decades, until the environmental movement kicked in.

    What I would do, however, is preserve large swatchs of open space, preferably with multiple habitat types, and establish corridors between swaths of land for movement of the various populations.  Creating an appropriate buffer zone around these areas, and creating restoration plans to bolster the biodivesity of degraded areas would go a long way toward protecting specialist species plus generalists that utilize the habitat.  

    And kudos to California's Governor Arnold for finally banning lead-shot in condor habitat.  That was crucial, and makes so much sense given all the time and money spent to date to preserve this species.

  9. So you are advocating even more exploitation of animals and wilderness? With the intention that this exploitation can make individuals wealthier and provide even more consumer products?

    I assume that your 'uninformed' intention is also the protection of species not individual animals and the restoration of (a) habitat on which to farm these animals?

    So the result of your plan would be: Exploit more animals, destroy another/many more natural wild spaces in order to house these animals. Resulting in more deforestation for land and animal feed, more greenhouse gas emissions, to produce even more meat which we do not need on many grounds including again greenhouse gas emissions?

    Human-caused disturbance in ecosystems rarely turns out well. There are just too many variables involved if the habitat is a human managed one. Attempts in the past to 'save' one species has meant massive loss and damage to other species. Humans are also easily corrupted, have political and financial agendas. Not only in terms of poaching but there are many political drivers for selling nearby private land and converting it to housing/development.

    This habitat loss, fragmentation, degradation and increased human disturbance resulting from the development of land near conservation areas further impacts on the private 'conservation' area, again poaching and eco tourism are problems.

    Alongside this, many habitats are 'managed' by non indigenous people/companies/government officials, who interfere in systems they do not understand. Where once the ancient tribes manages these habitats and protected them through tradition and stories. Ancient Tribes enriched the systems, not depleted them.

    If you believe in evolution, then there is some loss of species. However, much loss is directly caused by modern man and his activities/greed. For this we should take responsibility.

    How? The answer for me is not the protection and restoration of habitats after man has exploited them and their resident species have become endangered, but to limit man's own land use  and overconsumption to the absolute minimum. We can do this by becoming self sufficient as possible and leaving the wilderness/countryside to do what it does best self-manages and heals itself.

    Restoration of habitat means to 'restore' to its previous status. Unfortunately we can never do this. For example Misplaced sentiment/ideology has prevented traditional practices of coppicing from protecting woods which have resulted in devastating losses of ecosystems. In the UK we have 'loved' our woods to death. Kept them frozen in time by not coppicing them and by legislation to protect them.

    This sentimental but ignorant attitude towards the management of woods, means woods will continue to die and so will all the associated flora and fauna. Trees and woods are living things, as such, they have an age limit as all living things do. People managed woods by the traditional methods  for hundreds of years which artificially extended trees' lives.

    In the UK our native trees are on the edge of their climatic range, seed production is extremely sporadic and successful growth from seed to mature tree is rare in nature. Which is why we have forests with trees that are a thousand years old, there have been no replacements; the old existing trees have not been naturally replaced by self seeded saplings.

    As there are no naturally grown replacements it will be the end of the woods as we know them in the UK.

    Our attempts to retain diversity are worsening the situation. For example our arrogance is leading to unnecessary loss of diversity through man's actions. To give one example, we excuse ourselves of reducing diversity by having seed libraries, in which thousands of seeds are stored.

    However, many of these seeds are considered to be no longer viable. Others, even if they are viable, will not have made the necessary adaptations needed to survive. The only way to do this is allowing the plants to grow naturally, migrate and adapt. By storing seeds in this way and using it as an excuse to allow destruction of habitats then we are 'freezing' those seeds to that moment in time.

    Mushroom 'Mycelium' are regulating the earth's ecosystems, recycling carbon, nitrogen and other essential elements as they break down plant and animal matter to create new soil. They are essential for the health of our soil and ecosystem. Mycellium are the 'missing' keys to both human and the Earth's health. Trees and other green plants could not grow and reach maturity without symbiotic associations with mycelium, the network of fungal threads in the soil that act as interfaces between plant roots and nutrients.

    But we are losing them before we can even identify them. We are reducing biodiversity, through man's activity from clear cutting forests to developing land which stops them migrating and adapting. We are destabilizing nutrient cycles, which results in crop failures, loss of diversity and the need for ever more invasive farming techniques/chemicals to be used so contributing to global warming.

    The existence/absence of mycellium (fungi) in the soils is vital to the Earth's survival, hence mankind's but we are preventing their migration and adaptation by urban development. Mycellium can take hundreds of years to be re-established, if at all.  It is OUR actions that are preventing it continuing. We can take our chances on adaptation, but if it does not survive, we do not.

    Ideally, we could leave all woodland alone and it would renew itself however, this is not possible. So even if we do manage to grow trees from seed away from the woods, the character of a plantation will never come close to matching that of an ancient wood.

    However, most trees in UK can not be replaced for a number of reasons, for example: oaks are afflicted by American Oak Mildew which they have little or no resistance to and it is thought to modify their ability to grow in a Woodland situation, ie being able to cope with shade and dry conditions. This tends to affect their viability.

    These woods have not adapted to environmental changes, they can not be replaced and they have not self seeded because of climate change. Evolution teaches us that organisms adapt to environmental changes or DIE out. Mankind, by his actions is speeding up the rate at which many species are dying out.

    You are right cattle are in abundance, this intensive beef and dairy industry is leading to mass deforestation of rain forests, is one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, one of the major contributors to water pollution and starvation in developing countries. Watch the video link below and then you will understand why your ideas  are such poor ones.

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