
Your role.... Enviroment?

by Guest59103  |  earlier

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I am writing a research paper based on how people are reacting

about GLOBAL WARMING. My question is "What are you guys

doing to fight global warming?Are you using Fluorescent Light

bulbs,planting tress ?etc...





  1. I use low energy flourescent lights, use public transport more than drive, grow evergreen trees. I also have put money into companies exploring and producing geo-thermal energy, the cleanest and cheapest form of electrical generation.

    But that is not because of global warming, it is to stop pollution, period.

    Global warming is a natural occurance that no government can do anything about. It is caused by a number of factors, including changes to the Earths orbit, output of undersea vulcanoes and a host of other natural causes.

    The melting of the Arctic and Antarctic ice caps is caused by water warmed by the undersea vulcanoes in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, and the hundreds of "Ring of Fire" undersea vulcanoes around the Pacific ocean.

    Also there is seepage of ocean warming magma at the undersea junctions of all the tectonic plates. That is what is putting Pacific island nations in danger of going under, the plates are moving, some up, and others down, taking the islands down with them. It is not the rising of the sea levels.

  2. What I have always done, practice conservation in every way that is readily available to me.  This includes compact fluorescent light bulbs, recycling, driving an energy efficient car, tuning off lights when I leave the room, purchasing an Energy Star certified home (yes it cost a little more but our gas and electric bills are low and we never turn on the AC), voting for a local sales tax to support expanded public transit in our town, and more recently, my husband and I started riding our bicycles to work 3 - 4 days a week and are doing more errands on our bikes.

  3. I've been a conservationist all of my life.  Save energy, drive less, make compost, recycle and all of that stuff.  But I do it because it's not right to pollute , and not because I believe it's going to stop warming the planet.

  4. when i was little kid, my dad was like '' globa cooling is a problem!!!!"

    and then it was cold outside my hosue for years after that

    now everyone says that " global wraming is a big problem"

    and now its hot outside.

    i think this is happenig in cycles. wait a couple of years and global warming will be over.

  5. I eat red meat, burn tires in honor of "going green" n***s, and I waste as much gas just driving aimlessly around town as I possibly can.

  6. i am,

    1. recycling

    2. reusing

    3. using Fluorescent lights

    4. In my school i don't care if I make a fool of myself but I force people to recycle because think, If every school or every house hold every job would recycle.

    5. Planted plants and watering them

    and a lot more, i am very worried about this economic issue.

    I also want a hybrid car, i was going to get one but the state asks for this thing and it is ridiculous. And i want solar power in my house but its just to expansive.

    I think the rich or if they can adored should have solar power and hybrid cars because they should be "green", if you must.

  7. I pass this page around a lot

    And work on Eco-Projects


  8. I find it difficult to do as much as I should as I travel (for work) a lot and am rarely in one place hence don't own my own house and can't get involved in long term issues.

    That said, I do do my best with:

    the basics - reduce, reuse, recycle.

    I've always avoided plastic bags and excess packaging, bring my own bag shopping, buy loose vegetables

    rarely drive - public transport or bicycle - unless I have to for reasons of security

    avoid air con like the plague

    put on a sweater before turning up the heat

    compost if staying longer than a few months

    never litter even if it means carrying garbage for miles and miles

    and... education and awareness - lots of it!

  9. There are many ways to stop Global Warming:


    ~Take a cooler shower.

    ~Plant a tree

    There are lots more ideas and facts about Global Warming on this site:

    Hope this helps!

  10. all of the people need to do not use too many things ta ht will affect our environment just like cutting too many trees without replacing it you must not kill the plants because it has very big role in our environment

  11. I'd like to get the word out that Gasoline can be safely converted into a clear dry vapor, 100 parts of Air to 1 part of fuel.This will enable even the largest SUV to easily get 50 + MPG, and emit a fraction of the Emissions.The accepted mix is 14.7 parts of air to 1 part of fuel.I'm not out to sell anything, I'd just like to get the word out.And I'm not the first, not by a long shot ! For proof, go to . Then, go to and finally do a search on [the late] Tom Ogle.If the right people could bring this info out in the open, the environment and the economy would both greatly benefit.But, it ain't gonna happen !

  12. I decided to empower myself by researching global climate change sometime last year.  I stopped using this site -- it can take up a fair amount of time if you let it -- and started reading, started surfing the net.  I was absolutely amazed at the number of  unbiased, informative sites. I was astounded at how many universities and U.S. government agencies and international agencies and non profits and think tanks and profiteers and so on and so on and so on, had money and/or energy and brainpower working on solving this.  

    And then I lined up an opportunity to write a 2-part article on the topic, to help others learn and become empowered.

    Yes, I'm trying to reduce my own carbon footprint.  I drive less.  Waste less. I've planted as many trees as my yard can hold.  Porch light only goes on when someone is out late, and goes off when they come home. More conscientious about the whole picture, because I know enough now that I can't put it out of my head.

    But it's not guilt that drives me, or fear. It's hope.  The hope that my children, and my bright young grandson can have a bright future.  So to me the question isn't just 'what' am I doing, it's why.

  13. Me! I am a big global warming sucker i fell sry for all the animals, the atmosphere,  sea levels, and peoples health.

      I am using solar power ,recycle, don't pour oils in the drains [big o-no], car pool, have a hybrid car, use a paper fan than electrical or air conditioning, and other stuff.

  14. I am doing the same thing I did about global cooling in the 70's - Nothing.

  15. DONT listen to going cranky...there IS global warming and we should all do something about it.i am recycling,using florescent lightbulbs,planting trees,and teaching others about it.

  16. I`m doing nothing, there is no global warming


    I found this site. Idk, it seems good.

  18. I catch the bus (two actually) to work, while it was a bit of a bother at first I have found if I get an all day ticket, it costs about half the cost of using my car.

  19. i try to turn lights of and heaters of when not being used and trying to convince others that iis happening and not to wait untill it is to late to act

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