
Your school, hows the cafertia food?

by Guest61973  |  earlier

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our is okay..

we have fries and hotdogs, wraps, freezies, little salads, sandwhices, parfaits, then the daily thing. which can be pizza, pasta, soup, egg rolls, etc. it depends

what about yours?




  1. my school's cafeteria is pretty good.  we have wraps, rolls, bagels, and the grill where you can get french fries and hamburgers. and we also have the daily thing. and we have a frozen yogurt machine. my school has open campus so you can go out and get food if you don't like the shcool's food.

  2. Middle school here is a nightmare, but when you move to High School it is very good. Baked potato bar, salad bar, sandwiches, pizza, etc., then there is what they call the Hot Line, where you get a full meal, meats & vegies.

  3. Yours sounds really good compared to ours!

    We have pizza, fries with cheese, nachos, hamburgers, chicken sandwhichs (they taste like plastic), Icecream, Burritios, NOTHING but junk. I swear the only healthy food we have is Subway and Apples...and Pickles. lol its bad.

    I started bringing my own lunch to school after 1st semester because I swear I gained like ten pounds and my money kept dissapearing from all that junk!!!!!

  4. OMG! Ours sucks! I bring my lunch every day but we have microwaves..........What school do you go to?? We have pizza, burgers, chicken(and spicy), daily, salads and fruit trays but its grooss!!!!!!!

  5. ours sucks.

    its c**p on a stick.

    i find it quite suspicious that our lunches go and rotate over 3 weeks, and that on fridays we have spicy chicken sandwiches and then on monday we do too......

  6. disgusting at our school. everything is cold, sometimes the burgers are green, and only one thing tastes good and EVERYONE loves it but it only comes 2 times a year. my school sucks.

  7. My school food was good, they revamped it to make it more healthy just before I left, I went to a boarding school so we had breakfast, lunch and dinner there.  Breakfast was like breakfast anywhere they was fruit, yogurt, toast etc and hot breakfasts full English, beans on toast, eggs.  Lunch everyday there was sandwiches, salad, soup and jacket potato with whatever filling you wanted, but they'd also be a veggie and meat meal that changed day to day quiche, pasta, pizza etc then for tea it was basically the same as lunch.

  8. 1 word>>>

  9. the bulk of the cafeteria is great if you're into trans fat and fried foods. though, they managed to reserve one stall for small salads and yogurt. greattt.

  10. its O.K we have ice cream and chips on different days of the week. and then we have a cup of fruit and a cookie or sherbert or ice or something like that. and what the special is.

  11. highschool caf was awful and unhealthy

    but now in univerisity we have lots of choices of course there are still lots of fatty foot choices but there are also salads and almost anything really. its great!

  12. ours is completely home cooked, but when you have to make that much food, the quality is sacrificed, the only day everyone actually ate there was stromboli day, that was the S**t!

  13. we have some of the same things as your school, but we also have buffalo wings, popcorn chicken and calzones.

  14. We have tater tot hot dish, lasagna, pizzas (homemade), clazones, stromboli, soups, noodles, etc

  15. Mines is ok.  We have a chinese spot, fast food (hamburgers, fries, etc), pizza, blimpies, and a spot that sells pasta, mashed potato, chicken, etc.

    We also have a bootleg Starbucks stand.

  16. we have

    pizza, nachoes, burgers, chicken burgers, taco bowl things, a couple of -specialties- that i dont know enchilada, and all the snacks and c**p

    the burger tastes horrible btw

    id think id rather eat the cow raw than that thing

  17. ok there are five days of school obviosly...

    pizza...cheesburger... burito.....etc... other main dishes

    with "HEALTHY" sides (yeah right)

    i only eat lunch at my school on wednesdays. thats pizza day! yummmm

    (lunch at my school is 2$ what about  yours?)

  18. ours just depends on what school you go to in our area.  If your at the elementary school, it sucks because that food gets there last and it becomes cold and clammy.  Middle school- okay.  High school (mine) -best (or the best there is,)

  19. the menus are fixed on certain days.. wednesdays and thursdays are the only okay days.

  20. your school sounds amazing! my hs food sucked....we had fries, hamburgers (that were yucky), salads, pb&j sandwiches...

  21. OMg u have it so much better than us!! We get one meat (which is generally smothered in grease or still frozen) one carton of 2% milk, a choice of (rotten) fruit, and a choice of veggies (which is broccoli eveyday other than Tuesday). And if you don't get one of each they charge you extra! I mean come on... we're getting less food and you charge us more?!?

  22. Well I have never purchased anything from my cafeteria,I usually bring lunch b/c the lines are super long.

    But from what I've seen it doesn't look so inviting.

    Your school lunch sounds so much better than ours. =]

  23. Mine was the same :) It was decent, not bad. Same stuff as yours.

    Can you answer my question, please?

  24. my school sucks they serve: pink hotdogs, cold 1/2 cooked pizza, and disgusting eggrolls, our spaghetti is just noodles and pasta sauce, uhhh soo disgusting and for our salads the lettuce is stale!!!

    that's why i'm glad i'm going to high school next year, because it has one of the best cafeteria's in jefferson county alabama!

  25. our school food is actually pretty good

    we have breadsticks, pizza, rice, nachos, chicken

    most of its bad for you, but its still good

  26. we have nothing. we have grilled cheese (not cooked at ALL) and nasty hotdogs everyday, and a salad bar and then something different each and every day. like the other day they had nachos, but the cheese was hard and stuck the nachos together and when it made it into my mouth, it tasted like plastic

  27. Our school cafeteria's food is okay, too, but they serve chicken like EVERY day ):<

    They serve chicken nuggets, chicken fingers, regular chicken, popcorn chicken, and lots more. But we also have a snack line which sells pretzels and stuff.

  28. I go to a private school. We get the best food around, we have a personal chef his name is Phillipe. He caters as well.

    On Fridays we have Lobster, Today we had  Pizza, all flavors, with Veggies or Meat lovers. Our food is made fresh everyday, and use only organic ingredients....

    ha ha ha this is all bull.

  29. Ours is horrible! They are just all frozen food that they deep fry in fatty reused oil! Last year i got food poisoning from the food and i haven't had school lunch all year!

  30. Our cafeteria food is vile. It is deep fried and full of trans fat/saturated fat. I do not even know why people even eat it.

  31. Your schools food sounds nice although mine is crappy. The menu sounds like good selections but no it taste horrible. Even my teachers agree it is horrible food, and they won't eat from the cafeteria. So why don't they do something about it?!?

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