
Your s*x life is none of my business and none of your employer's business, right?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Wow, a 68 year old man having s*x for several hours.  Maybe he can do ads for Viagra.

  2. I really get sick of hearing about what other people do, I don't buy celeb mags, daily tabloids or watch the "celeb" tv shows. I think that the newspapers shouldn't print stories about other peoples private lives and people are just as perverted to read about these things all the time. I have no interest in what he did or who with, as long as it's not kiddies or animals, then it was all consenting adults.

    What people do in the bedroom "dungeon" is up to them.... If you buy these tabloids it's prolly cuz you don't get enough s*x in your own life.

  3. Depends what sort of s*x life you have. If it is an illegal one then yes it is.Particularly if it is a perverted one.

  4. the s*x is not the problem, the n**i overtones is the issue in this case

  5. normally you'd be right...

    Right up until it becomes something illegal

    and your position with the company/employer gets dragged into the mess....

    in other words I'd have no choice as a manager but to let you go... (Fire-ur-Butt)!

  6. Legally he's done nothing wrong.

    Also any n**i kinky stuff isn't wrong either for the simple reason that what he does privately as a sexual fantasy is -by law- no ones' business.

    There's a but here somewhere.

    The FIA are not the law and do not make decisions based on the law, their job is to promote motor sport and make decisions based on the FIA's interests.

    This means that if Mosley's public ridicule interferes with his ability to act as president of the FIA (which has certainly been the case so far)he should go.

    So no, I do not agree with the decision, Mosly has taken the News of the World to the court and he will probably win the case but that's nothing to do with his position as president of the FIA.

    I don't believe he can continue in the same role with any effectivenss and he should have been voted out.

  7. Correct.

    However, if you get caught paying for the services of prostitutes, you have committed a crime - your criminal record is ussually disclosable to your employer and contracts often state that your employment may be terminated if you are convicted of certain crimes.

    If you're in the public arena, contractually you are usually obligated to not bring yourself or your organisation into disrepute.

    So your employer shouldn't pry into your private life, but if you're stupid enough to get caught and make it public... tough titty.

  8. in principle your s*x life is your own affair but in reality  it is seen as a reflection on your job and career.

  9. Au contraire, friend. What goes on at your working place, be it FIA or WalMart, it's your employer's business. If your behavior could hurt your employer or his business, you should be sacked.

  10. too right, what people do behind closed doors is nobodies business but theirs.if what they're doing is illegal its a matter for the police and not their employer. would anybody on here lose their job if it was found out they slept with a prostitute?

  11. depends on where you do it if it's on the desk at work I think you employer could make it there business

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