
Your single friend with no family just died. How would you feel if you found out you were exec of their will?

by  |  earlier

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Would this traumatize you? Would you be annoyed? Would you be happy?

Keep in mind this friend is good friend, but isn't rich... they just left behind a few dvds and books, but nothing you'd have to pay for.




  1. Since I would have no idea as to what I'm doing, my first step would be to consult an attorney who does estate/probate law so that I did not forget anything.

    I would not be traumatized.  Maybe a bit annoyed if I had not known about being tapped for being the executor in advance, but I'd do the job to the best of my ability.

    If you are considering naming your friend as an executor, make sure he or she is willing and able to do it.  You would not want to name your buddy in the Marines and then you pass while he's deployed or something...Also, choose someone responsible.

  2. why would you be traumatized?? they didnt have family and if i was the closest thing to it, being a great friend. then you should be honored and happy they even thought about you in the will.

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